Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


#PvP #PvE #Item #Enhancement #NPC
Kharazad Accessories Guide
Jan 1, 2025, 00:18 (UTC+3)
1172 1
Last Edit : Jan 1, 2025, 00:18 (UTC+3)
# 1

1. Introduction

Kharazad Accessories are unique Accessories that are upgraded and obtained in their own unique way!
  • Unlike other accessories, Kharazad Accessories don't use the same accessory for enhancement 
  • Kharazad Accessories can be enhanced all the way up to DEC (X) and surpass Deboreka Accessories
  • Kharazad accessories also let you use special crystals that can be transfused onto each accessory
  • When you're enhancing Kharazad accessories, they also don't shatter upon failed enhancement     


2. Kharazad Accessories

Kharazad Accessories are the new Best in Slot, they even beat out Deboreka accessories. This is mostly because they can be upgraded all the way to DEC (X) but start out similar to other accessories.


Here are the base versions of the different Kharazad Accessories, the first Purple grade Accessories.  


If you have TET or PEN Deboreka accessories, don't worry, you haven't lost all of that progress. Those accessories can be converted into Kharazad Accessories


As mentioned, when you're enhancing Kharazad accessories, they also don't shatter upon failed enhancement   


Normal Accessories
Kharazad Accessories
Normal Gear (Weapons/Defense Gear)
Enhancement attempts use same accessories

Item destroyed upon failure
Cron Stones give 40% chance to prevent level drop
Enhancement Chance increases by 1 upon failure
Enhancement attempts do not use same accessories

Max durability decrease upon failure

Enhancement Level decrease upon failure

Cron Stones prevent level drop  

Enhancement Chance increases by 1 upon failure
Enhancement attempts do not use same equipment

Max durability decrease upon failure

Enhancement Level decrease upon failure

Cron Stones prevent level drop

Enhancement Chance increases based on level upon failure


Another thing unique to Kharazad Accessories is that they allow the use of additional Magical Crystal slots, which makes them basically mandatory, if being Best-in-Slot wasn't already enough. 



Only crystals of the "Dawn" crystal group can be transfused into these exclusive accessory crystal sockets and Crystals transfused into these exclusive crystal sockets don't shatter upon death.


3. Kharazad Stats 

Here are the different stats for each of the accessories, as mentioned previously they enhance all the way up to DEC (X) grade. You can also check the stats out in our gear planner here!


Kharazad Necklace

Kharazad Belt

Kharazad Ring

Kharazad Earring
Enhancement Level AP Accuracy AP Accuracy AP Accuracy AP Accuracy
0 24 10 16 5 16 5 14 4
PRI (I) 26 12 17 6 17 6 15 4
 DUO (II) 28 14 18 7 18 7 15 7
TRI (III) 30 16 19 8 19 8 16 7
TET (IV) 32 18 20 9 20 9 16 10
*PEN (V) 34 20 21 10 21 10 17 10
HEX (VI) 36 22 22 11 22 11 17 13
SEP (VII) 38 24 23 12 23 12 18 13
**OCT (VIII) 40 26 24 13 24 13 19 13
NOV (IX) 42 28 25 14 25 14 20 14
DEC (X) 44 30 26 15 26 15 21 15
Details on the Kharazad Accessories
* PEN (V) Kharazad Accessories have the same AP as that of TET (IV) Deboreka Accessories.
** OCT (VIII) Kharazad Accessories have the same AP as that of PEN (V) Deboreka Accessories.


4. Crafting Kharazad Accessories

In order to craft the Kharazad Accessories you can use Processing then use Manufacture (L) with the following materials, including a new material: 


Kharazad Necklace
Kharazad Belt
Kharazad Ring
Kharazad Earring
Essence of Dawn x50
Magical Shard x300
Deboreka Necklace x1
Essence of Dawn x50
Magical Shard x300
Deboreka Belt x1
Essence of Dawn x50
Magical Shard x300
Deboreka Ring x1
Essence of Dawn x50
Magical Shard x300
Deboreka Earring x1


Essence of Dawn is a new material used for the crafting of the new accessories, here's how to make them: 

Dawn's Aura
How to Obtain #1: Purchase from Old Moon Manager NPCs in major cities for 5 million Silver each.
Usage #1: Heating with yellow grade TET (IV) and PEN (V) accessories to extract Essence of Dawn.
Essence of Dawn
How to Obtain #1: Heating Dawn's Aura x1 with certain yellow grade TET (IV) and PEN (V) accessories.
How to Obtain #2: Heating crystals obtained from Morning Light monster zones.
How to Obtain #3: Exchange Essence of Dawn - Black Spirit's Rage/Accuracy/Damage Reduction/Evasion according to a 1:1 ratio via NPC Dalishain.

Usage #1: Enhancing Kharazad Accessories (+0 to NOV (IX)).
Usage #2: Crafting/upgrading Kharazad Accessories/crystals (All AP).
Essence of Dawn - Black Spirit's Rage/Accuracy/Damage Reduction/Evasion
How to Obtain #1: Heating Dawn's Aura x1 with certain yellow grade TET (IV) and PEN (V) accessories.

How to Obtain #2: Heating crystals obtained from Morning Light monster zones.
Usage #1: Craft Kharazad Accessory crystals (Black Spirit's Rage/Accuracy/Damage Reduction/Evasion).
Usage #2: Exchange Essence of Dawn via NPC Dalishain.


5. Exchanging Deboreka Accessories for Kharazad Accessories

There's also quests that have been added to allow you to exchange TET or PEN Deboreka Accessories for higher versions of Kharazad Accessories at NPC Clorince in Velia. 



If you can't find the quests in your Quest WIndow (O) you may need to check your Black Spirit for the pre-quest: 



This makes the quests basically mandatory if you have PEN Deboreka Accessories, as you're getting a better item and an additional crystal. 


[Kharazad Accessory] Artifact of the Aksulp Dynasty
Quest Name Objectives Rewards
[Crafting] PEN (V) Kharazad Accessory
(appropriate accessory slot)
Hand over TET (IV) Deboreka Accessory
PEN (V) Kharazad Accessory of the same slot
 JIN Dawn Crystal - All AP x1
[Crafting] NOV (IX) Kharazad Accessory
(appropriate accessory slot)
Hand over PEN (V) Deboreka Accessory
NOV (IX) Kharazad Accessory of the same slot
 JIN Dawn Crystal - All AP x1


PEN (V) Kharazad Accessories have the same AP as that of TET (IV) Deboreka Accessories, meaning the item is the same power and can be enhanced further. 


OCT (VIII) Kharazad Accessories have the same AP as that of PEN (V) Deboreka Accessories, meaning you get a better accessory by completing the PEN exchange quest.     


6. Enhancing Kharazad Accessories

Kharazad Accessories have a unique enhancement method, instead of using accessories of the same type, they use materials that can be used as enhancments. 

Failing an enhancement attempt on Kharazad Accessories will not blow them up, instead it lowers their dura.  

However failing the enhancements can still downgrade the accessories as mentioned in the table earlier. Here are the materials that are used to enhance Kharazad Accessories: 


Essence of Dawn
Dawn Black Stone
(+0 to NOV [IX] Enhancement Attempts)
(Central Market Max Price - 100 million Silver)
(DEC [X] Enhancement Attempts)
(Cannot be Registered on the Central Market)

How to Obtain #1:
Heating certain yellow grade TET (IV) / PEN (V) accessories with Dawn's Aura x1.


How to Obtain #2:
Heating certain crystals obtained from LoML monster zones.


How to Obtain #3:
Exchange Essence of Dawn - Black Spirit's Rage/Accuracy/Damage Reduction/Evasion according to a 1:1 ratio via NPC Dalishain.

How to Obtain #1:
Defeat Dark Rift bosses
- Ferrid, Ahib Griffon, Dim Tree Spirit (guaranteed)
- Other Dark Rift bosses (according to set probability)


The enhancement rates were also released, you can also see how much Agris Essence is needed for a successful enhancement: 

Enhancement Level

Enhancement Probability
Enhancement Material
Essence of Dawn
Base Rate (+0) Additional Chance (Stack) Added Rate Total Rate Cron Stones per attempt Agris Essence
+0 → PRI (I) x1 16.3000% 40 56.0720% 72.3720% - 3
PRI (I) → DUO (II) x2 7.3000% 60 43.8000% 51.1000% 120 5
DUO (II) → TRI (III) x3 4.5700% 90 41.1300% 45.7000% 280 7
TRI (III) → TET (IV) x4 2.8900% 130 37.5700% 40.4600% 540 8
TET (IV) → PEN (V) x6 1.9100% 170 32.4700% 34.3800% 840 10
PEN (V) → HEX (VI) x8 1.2900% 200 25.8000% 27.0900% 1090 12
HEX (VI) → SEP (VII) x10 0.8800% 230 20.2400% 21.1200% 1480 15
SEP (VII) → OCT (VIII) x12 0.5700% 260 14.8200% 15.3900% 1880 20
OCT (VIII) → NOV (IX) x15 0.3200% 280 8.9600% 9.2800% 2850 25
NOV (IX) → DEC (X)

Dawn Black Stone x1

0.1720% 300 5.1600% 5.3320% 3650 30


Since the accessories go beyond PEN, Kharazad accessories become branded with your family name from successfully enhancing to OCT (VIII).


As mentioned above, Essence of Dawn can be obtained by melting certain accessories, here's the table: 

Essence of Dawn
Item Name
Heating (L) with Dawn's Aura x1
Black Distortion Earring x72 x720
Vaha's Dawn x72 x720
Ogre Ring x30 x300
Laytenn's Power Stone x30 x300
Eye of the Ruins Ring x22 x225
Ring of Crescent Guardian x20 x200
Valtarra Eclipsed Belt x17 x175
Basilisk's Belt x15 x150
Serap's Necklace x7 x75
Old Moon Guild's Support Accessories  
(Narc Ear Accessory, Tungrad Earring, Ring of Crescent Guardian)
- x100


You can also exchange accessories to the different types of Essence of Dawn like in table below: 


Obtained from Heating with Dawn's Aura x1
Essence of Dawn - Black Spirit's Rage
Essence of Dawn -Accuracy
Essence of Dawn -Damage Reduction
Essence of Dawn - Evasion
Item Name

Tungrad Ring

x55 x550            

Tungrad Belt

x40 x400 - - - - - -

Tungrad Necklace

x37 x375 - - - - - -

Tungrad Earring

x25 x250 - - - - - -

Dawn Earring

- - x78 x780 - - - -

Ominous Ring

- - x60 x600 - - - -

Turo's Belt

- - x35 x350 - - - -

Revived Lunar Necklace

- - x25 x250 - - - -

Ring of Cadry Guardian

- - - - x25 x250 - -

Narc Ear Accessory

- - - - x20 x200 - -

Forest Ronaros Ring

- - - - x10 x100 - -

Revived River Necklace

- - - - - - x81 x815

Ocean Haze Ring

- - - - - - x42 x425

Ethereal Earring

- - - - - - x42 x425

Centaurus Belt

- - - - - - x20 x200

Orkinrad's Belt

- - - - - - x12 x125

Sicil's Necklace

- - - - - - x9 x90


Essence of Dawn - Black Spirit's Rage/Accuracy/Damage Reduction/Evasion can be exchanged with normal Essence of Dawn according to a 1:1 ratio via NPC Dalishain in town.


ororor → 

(However, Essence of Dawn can't be exchanged for Essence of Dawn - Black Spirit's Rage/Accuracy/Damage Reduction/Evasion


7. Exclusive Kharazad Accessories Crystals

Another bonus to the new Kharazad Accessories crystals is that they allow you to use another six magic crystal sockets that are exclusive to these accessories. 


These Crystals can be obtained from the new Land of the Morning Light's grind spots or from the Marketplace. 



The only Magical Crystals that can be added to these slots are the new unique crystals that have the "Dawn" group name. 


Another good thing about these Magic Crystals is that these exclusive crystal sockets don't shatter upon death, so you don't have to worry about losing them. 


The Magic Crystals have JIN / BON / WON versions similiar to other crystals: 


Crystal Transfusion Effects
JIN/BON/WON Dawn Crystal - All AP
All AP +4 All AP +3 All AP +2
JIN/BON/WON Dawn Crystal - Black Spirit's Rage
Displayed AP -2
Self-obtainable Black Spirit's Rage +25%
Displayed AP -3
Self-obtainable Black Spirit's Rage +20%
Displayed AP -4
Self-obtainable Black Spirit's Rage +15%
JIN/BON/WON Dawn Crystal - Accuracy
Displayed AP -7
All Accuracy +60
Max Stamina +50
Displayed AP -8
All Accuracy +55
Max Stamina +40
Displayed AP -9
All Accuracy +50
Max Stamina +30
JIN/BON/WON Dawn Crystal - Damage Reduction
Displayed AP -25
Displayed DP (Damage Reduction) +25
All Damage Reduction +4
Max HP +150
Displayed AP -25
Displayed DP (Damage Reduction) +23
All Damage Reduction +3
Max HP +125
Displayed AP -25
Displayed DP (Damage Reduction) +20
All Damage Reduction +2
Max HP +100
JIN/BON/WON Dawn Crystal - Evasion
Displayed AP -25
Displayed DP (Evasion) +25
All Evasion +23
Max HP +150
Displayed AP -25
Displayed DP (Evasion) +23
All Evasion +20
Max HP +125
Displayed AP -25
Displayed DP (Evasion) +20
All Evasion +17
Max HP +100


These crystals can be placed or purchased on the Central Marketplace but can also be crafted. 


8. Heating Crystals for Essence of Dawn 

By Heating the Dawn Crystals from the Land of the Morning Light's you can obtain different types of Essence of Dawn: 


Item Name Heating (L) Byproduct
JIN Dawn Crystal - All AP
Essence of Dawn x30
BON Dawn Crystal - All AP
Essence of Dawn x10
WON Dawn Crystal - All AP
Essence of Dawn x1
JIN Dawn Crystal - Black Spirit's Rage
Essence of Dawn - Black Spirit's Rage x350
BON Dawn Crystal - Black Spirit's Rage
Essence of Dawn - Black Spirit's Rage x10
WON Dawn Crystal - Black Spirit's Rage
Essence of Dawn - Black Spirit's Rage x1
JIN Dawn Crystal - Accuracy
Essence of Dawn - Accuracy x450
BON Dawn Crystal - Accuracy
Essence of Dawn - Accuracy x10
WON Dawn Crystal - Accuracy
Essence of Dawn - Accuracy x1
JIN Dawn Crystal - Damage Reduction
Essence of Dawn - Damage Reduction x250
BON Dawn Crystal - Damage Reduction
Essence of Dawn - Damage Reduction x10
WON Dawn Crystal - Damage Reduction
Essence of Dawn - Damage Reduction x1
JIN Dawn Crystal - Evasion
Essence of Dawn - Evasion x450
BON Dawn Crystal - Evasion
Essence of Dawn - Evasion x10
WON Dawn Crystal - Evasion
Essence of Dawn - Evasion x1


9. Crystal Crafting

You can also craft the new crystals as well, letting you make use of your Essence of Dawn: 


JIN Dawn Crystal - All AP/Black Spirit's Rage/Accuracy/Damage Reduction/Evasion
Item Name Materials
JIN Dawn Crystal - All AP
Essence of Dawn x30
Black Stone Powder x10
Magical Shard x300
JIN Dawn Crystal - Black Spirit's Rage  
Essence of Dawn - Black Spirit's Rage x350
Magical Shard x300
JIN Dawn Crystal - Accuracy  
Essence of Dawn - Accuracy x450
Magical Shard x300
JIN Dawn Crystal - Damage Reduction
Essence of Dawn - Damage Reduction x250
Magical Shard x300
JIN Dawn Crystal - Evasion
Essence of Dawn - Evasion x450
Magical Shard x300
* Essence of Dawn - Black Spirit's Rage/Accuracy/Damage Reduction/Evasion can be obtained either from Heating certain TET (IV) / PEN (V) accessories or Heating crystals obtained from Morning Light monster zones
BON/WON Dawn Crystal - All AP/Black Spirit's Rage/Accuracy/Damage Reduction/Evasion
Item Name How to Obtain
BON/WON Dawn Crystal -
All AP/Black Spirit's Rage/Accuracy/Damage Reduction/Evasion
Defeat monsters in Morning Light monster zones



10. Kharazad Accessory Upgrade Cups

Like with other accessories, Kharazad Accessories can be enhanced by using reform stones. However, unlike other accessories, the upgrade cups used are unique. 


You are able to combine old accessory cups with newly added materials in order to craft the Kharazad versions: 


Upgrade Item Reform Effect
Materials (Heating (L))
Cup of Destined Dawn
(Central Market Max Price - 10 billion Silver)
[Necklace Upgrade]
Max HP +300
Cup of Arid Moonlight + Essence of Dawn x20
Cup of Callous Sun
(Central Market Max Price - 10 billion Silver)
[Ring Upgrade]
Max HP +125, Critical Hit damage +3%
 or +
Cup of a Lonely Cloud or Cup of Dwindling Starlight + Essence of Dawn x20
Cup of Burgeoning Dusk
(Central Market Max Price - 10 billion Silver)
[Belt Upgrade]
All AP +3, All Damage Reduction +6
 or +
Cup of Tragic Nightfall or Cup of Lone Tide + Essence of Dawn x20
Cup of Reticent Moonbeams
(Central Market Max Price - 10 billion Silver)
 [Earring Upgrade]
All AP +3, Max Stamina +100
Cup of Earth's Sorrows + Essence of Dawn x20
Upgraded items can be extracted using the Extraction function of blacksmith NPCs in town with "Refined Essence of Emotions x1," just as before.


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