Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


Updates Jan 17, 2024, 07:00 (UTC+3) January 17, 2024 (Wed) Update Details


Hello, Adventurers.


Here are the updates made to Black Desert on January 17, 2024.

(Patch size: approx. 2.01 GB)
- Please note that the update for Steam may be larger than the size listed above.


※ Please read below for details.



  • Event 1. Scholar Open Tournament!
    • Event Period : January 17, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance - January 24, 2024 (Wed) before maintenance

[More details]


  • Event 2. Enter Garmoth, the Blue Dragon!
    • Event Period : Jan 18, 2024 (Thu) 00:00 - Feb 14, 2024 (Wed) before maintenance

[More details]

  • Event 3. A Secret Book from the Old Moon!
    • Event Period : Jan 17, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance - Jan 31, 2024 (Wed) before maintenance

[More details]


  • Event 4. [Moon’s Week] Defeat the Moon-feebled Boss to Grab Boss Blitz Rewards!
    • Event Period : Jan 17, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance - Jan 31, 2024 (Wed) before maintenance

[More details]




  • Improved attack sound effects during combat to play more clearly.
  • Changed to let Movement Speed buffs and debuffs remain in effect even when jumping while moving forward.


Vine Knot
  • Changed to make the character land quickly after the skill.
  • Fixed the issue where the animation would occasionally end above the monster when used in close proximity to the monster.
  • Fixed so that the landing animation will immediately change to the falling animation while airborne.


  • Changed to rotate the character immediately according to the camera's direction at the start of the skill.
    • This change also applies when performed forward once more by consuming a fragment.
Soul Harvest
  • Improved the combo speed from attack 1 to the attack 2 and alleviated the slowdown of the character on hits.
Main & Succession
Prime: Petal Swirl
  • Improved to combo smoothly into the skill after Chase.
  • Changed to fix the character's direction regardless of camera rotation during the return animation after the skill.
Razorblade Corolla
  • Improved to combo smoothly into attack 1 after forward Chase and attack 2 after backward Chase.

Petal Swirl
  • Improved to combo smoothly into the following skills:
    • Moonrise
    • Sleet Steps
    • Stub Arrow: Evasive Shot
    • Oppression
    • Maehwa's Will, Ultimate: Maehwa's Will
    • Chaos: Crimson Gust
Frost Pillar
  • Improved to combo smoothly into other skills.
Flow: Tip of an Iceberg
  • Improved to combo smoothly into Flow: Frostflower, attack 2 of Ice Fang, and Sleet Steps.
Sleet Steps
  • Fixed the issue where the character would awkwardly rotate when using the skill laterally.
Main & Succession
Kunai Block
  • Changed to not consume Stamina while using the skill.
    • Changed to continuously guard when holding Q.
    • Reduced the distance pushed back on blocks.
Tragic Blade
  • Changed from automatically activating if below 400 Stamina to pressing LMB on Kunai Block blocks.
Succession: Kunai Throw, Shadow Stomp
  • Improved to immediately activate Shadow Stomp after using Succession: Kunai Throw while airborne.
  • Improved the animation combo speed when using Succession: Kunai Throw while airborne.

Flow: Pinwheel Fury
  • Changed to make the shadow clone appear faster.
Lethal Spin Spree
  • Slightly increased the forward Movement Speed during the skill and changed to allow movement in the direction the character is facing.
  • Changed the movement during the skill so that it no longer passes through other characters.
Danse Macabre
  • Changed to always move the maximum distance and perform the attack even if there are enemies in the middle.
    • Accordingly, changed to allow the attack in the middle of movement by LMB during the skill.


For the Awakening Ninja, we've tweaked the Seamless skill to exclude its Bound effect in PvP, enabling the Ninja to benefit from the melee AP boost during combos. Furthermore, we've ensured that the Shadow Slash is instantly performed after Sura Katana skills, offering the Ninja greater flexibility for surprise attacks or swift movements.

Main & Succession
Prime: Fatal Blow, Shadow Stomp
  • Changed to immediately activate Shadow Stomp after Prime: Fatal Blow.
Prime: Smokescreen
  • Reduced the cooldown: 12 sec → 10 sec.
Alert Stance
  • Improved to activate the skill backward with RMB after Covert: Cut Throat or Boss Slaughter.

Drastic Measure
  • Changed to charge faster.
  • Changed to display the charging status in accordance with the actual charging animation.
  • Changed to apply the Bound debuff for PvE only.
Shadow Slash
  • Changed to immediately perform the skill when used after other Awakening skills.
    • However, the casting delay remains the same when performed alone or from the Quick Slot.


Barrage of Lightning
  • Improved to allow combo into Flow: Magical Evasion, Elementalization during the casting of the skill.
  • Improved to combo smoothly into Flow: Magical Evasion after the skill.


The Awakened Mystic was designed to favor battles where she consistently dealt damage while glancing off (or taking) blows. However, this meant that she had to give up on stacking offensive stats and moreso on gearing up defensively to survive combat. To address this issue, we removed the HP recovered per Hurricane Sweep moves to now be recovered through her major skills of Wave Orb, Rising Dragon, and Sea Burial, thus allowing the Mystic to consistently deal damage to recover her health. Also, just as consuming Martial Spirits and performing Wave Orb, Rising Dragon, and Sea Burial increased her damage, we felt reducing the Martial Spirit cost for certain skills would allow for more frequent usage of such skills in her combos.

Main & Succession
Flash Step → Elbow Edge
  • Fixed the issue where comboing the two skills would reduce your traveled distance.
Flash Step → Prime: Scissor Kick
  • Changed to now combo into the latter skill's attack 1.
Prime: Scissor Kick
  • Changed the Floating debuff to now be applied during attack 1.

Wave Orb, Sea Burial
  • Improved to combo smoothly from Hurricane Kick.
Dragon's Pit
  • Improved to combo smoothly into other skills.
  • Reduced the cooldown: 25 sec → 20 sec.
  • Improved to be available via Quick Slot with your gauntlet.
Dragon's Rip
  • Changed to now instantly activate Wave Orb without charging when comboed.
Hurricane Sweep
  • No longer recovers HP per move when using the skill.
  • Added "Recover 30 HP per hit" effect.
    • Also affects the Black Spirit version.
Wave Orb
  • No longer recovers HP when fully charged.
  • Changed to apply the Sea Dragon effect without consuming Martial Spirits when fully charged.
  • Changed to recover 200 HP when using the skill.
    • Consuming Martial Spirits will recover 300 HP when using the skill.
      • This includes cases when instantly performing the skill.
  • Changed to now consume 2 Martial Spirits to apply the Sea Dragon effect upon gathering 2 Martial Spirits.
  • Changed so you can now only combo into Flash Ship after fully charging the skill.
Rising Dragon
  • Changed to now recover 200 HP when using the skill.
    • Consuming Martial Spirits will recover 300 HP when using the skill.
  • Changed to now consume 1 Martial Spirit to apply the Sea Dragon effect upon gathering 1 Martial Spirit.
Sea Burial
  • Changed to now consume 1 Martial Spirit to apply the Sea Dragon effect upon gathering 1 Martial Spirit.
    • Accordingly, removed the previous effect when there was only 1 Martial Spirit.
  • Changed to now recover 200 HP when using the skill.
    • Consuming Martial Spirits will recover 300 HP when using the skill.


The Succession Sage has demonstrated its strength in group battles in PvP, through high damage output, his disruptive nature, and stability provided by Rift Chain. As a class known for having casting actions for each skill and feeling rather slow overall, this we saw to compensate by allowing for maximum damage output at higher levels. However, we decided to increase the interval when the Sage disappears after using Rift Chain and the Super Armor buff obtained at the end of the skill, which will require Sages to be more strategic with the skill usage.

Also, we adjusted the advantage of reduced cooldown time for the Reset skill obtained through the effect of Prime: Overdrive. No longer will using Kyve Mastery or Ator's Thorn grant the reduction, which bore no risk even if wasted in mid-air. Now you will gain the cooldown reduction when using main skills that are more risky to use in mid-air.

Main & Succession
Prime: Form Shift (I to IV)
  • Removed the Magic AP +4/8/12/16 effect upon use.
Prime: Overdrive
  • Changed Kyve Mastery and Ator's Thorn to no longer obtain Overdrive's effect.
  • Changed to apply Overdrive's effect twice when using the following skills.
    • Spatial Collapse
    • Flow: Finishing Touch
    • Ator's Energy
    • Void Gateway
    • Dimensional Compression
    • Gravity Rift
    • Atomagia
    • Prime: Rift Storm
    • Prime: Spear Bolt
※ Overdrive's effect stacks up to 4 levels for Black Spirit skills.
Prime: Rift Chain
  • Changed the cooldown: 4 sec → 7 sec
  • Changed the damage of the following skills.
Skill Name Before After
Prime: Ator's Fist (I to III) Attack damage 888/1065/1278% x3, max 4 hits
Damage -60% in PvP only
Attack damage 932/1118/1342% x3, max 4 hits
Damage -62% in PvP only
Prime: Spatial Fissure (I to III) Attack 1 damage 1115/1339/1607% x5
Attack 2 damage 1115/1339/1607% x7
Damage -41% in PvP only
Attack 1 damage 1204/1446/1736% x5
Attack 2 damage 1204/1446/1736% x7
Damage -45.4% in PvP only
Prime: Ator's Mark (I to III) Attack damage 1334/1557/1777% x8
Damage -62.5% in PvP only
Attack damage 1441/1682/1919% x8
Damage -65.3% in PvP only
Prime: Form Shift (I to IV) Attack damage 717/861/1005/1149% x2, max 7 hits
Damage -53/53/52.9/52.9% in PvP only
Attack damage 767/921/1075/1229% x2, max 7 hits
Damage -56% in PvP only
Prime: Ator's Energy (I to IV) Attack damage 1518/1680/1844/2011% x10
Damage -60.1% in PvP only
Attack damage 1624/1798/1973/2152% x10
Damage -62.8% in PvP only
Prime: Rift Storm Attack 1 damage 1318% x5
Attack 2 damage 1318% x10
Damage -68.5% in PvP only
Attack 1 damage 1384% x5
Attack 2 damage 1384% x10
Damage -70% in PvP only
Dimensional Compression Attack 1 damage 1042% x11
Attack 2 damage 1042% x10
Attack 3 damage 1210% x4
Attacks 1 and 2 damage -50% in PvP only
Attack 3 damage -52.2% in PvP only
Attack 1 damage 1115% x11
Attack 2 damage 1115% x10
Attack 3 damage 1295% x4
Attacks 1 and 2 damage -53.3% in PvP only
Attack 3 damage -55.6% in PvP only


We've changed Succession Corsair to now inflict debuffs on opponents more frequently by utilizing not only Prime: Whirling Slash but also Prime: Mareca: Sea Stroll. Additionally, we've eliminated the difficult-to-land attack while moving with Prime: Mareca: Sea Stroll, and changed the skill to deal faster damage while applying a debuff.
Main & Succession
Prime: Mareca: Sea Stroll
  • Reduced the cooldown: 20 sec → 12 sec. Changed the Skill Add-on tier: 3 → 2.
    • Changed to have no attacks while moving. Accordingly, the damage of the last attack has been adjusted.
      • However, the effect of No Guard Gauge recovery applies to the path that Corsair passes.
  • Added the Air Attack debuff.
Mareca: Sea Stroll
  • Fixed the issue where the description displayed commands and the Floating debuff that were different from the actual effects.
Flow: Dreamswirl
  • Changed the cooldown: 30 sec → 20 sec
  • Fixed the issue where the skill incorrectly displayed the Stun debuff icon.


Awakened Drakania was able to swiftly approach and ambush enemies using the mobility gained from Flow: Markthanan's Wings and Flow: Wings of Destruction. Particularly, Flow: Wings of Destruction allowed for starting flight from a distance and moving, then suddenly disappearing and reappearing with Core: Tectonic Slam or Core: Storm Maul to apply debuffs. This made it difficult for opponents to respond. To address this, changes have been made to allow combos only after the landing motion, giving opponents somewhat of a fighting chance to respond to Awakened Drakania's mobility.

Also, we've adjusted Markthanan's Heart's HP recovery effects to prevent Drakania from suddenly recovering too much HP during combos. Instead, a certain level of HP can be maintained continuously when dealing damage outside of combos.

Flow: Dragon Flight
  • Changed the skill to be unable to combo into Hexeblood: Tectonic Slam, Hexeblood: Storm Maul, Hexeblood: Tip of the Scale, and Dragonblood: Tip of the Scale while flying.
    • Accordingly, changed so that you can land when pressing E, RMB, or LMB during flight.
  • Changed the skill to combo into Hexeblood: Tectonic Slam or Hexeblood: Storm Maul after the character has fully landed.
  • Improved to smoothly combo with Hexeblood: Tip of the Scale, Dragonblood: Tip of the Scale after landing.
  • Improved to smoothly combo into Hexeblood: Tectonic Slam, Hexeblood: Storm Maul, Hexeblood: Tip of the Scale, or Dragonblood: Tip of the Scale after landing while evading laterally.
Hexeblood: Tip of the Scale
  • Changed to consume 150 stamina when attack 3 is activated while moving. Accordingly, stamina does not recover.
  • Changed the attack 3 of Refraction, Flow: Markthanan's Wings, and Flow: Dragon Flight to move further when comboed.
Dragonblood: Tip of the Scale
  • Changed to consume 150 stamina when activated while moving. Accordingly, stamina does not recover.
Markthanan's Heart
  • Changed the HP recovery effect of Hexeblood: Extinction and Dragonblood: Savage Decree: 5% of Max HP 2 times → 4 times (up to 50% of Max HP)
  • Changed the HP recovery effect of Doombringer: 5% of Max HP 6 times → 4 times (up to 50% of Max HP)
  • Changed the HP recovery effect of Dragonblood: Sundering Roar: 5% of Max HP 10 times → 6 times (up to 50% of Max HP)
  • Fixed the issue where Drakania's HP intermittently recovered additional HP when using Doombringer during other skills, even though her HP was more than 50%.
Flow: Obliterate
  • Changed the damage in PvP only: -27.3% → -38.6%


The Awakened Maegu was designed to suddenly ambush adventurers in PvP with debuffs through the Foxflare Ambush, Hazy Path -> Twirling Crane combo. However, even if you managed to apply a debuff, there was no defensive effect when using Wind Step in following combos, so unless you were facing an individual foe, you always had to retreat midway without finishing off the enemy. To address this, we made the Twirling Foxflare -> Flow: Foxflare Encore combo more usable for small and large scale fights. Additionally, to speed up the hit-and-run playstyle of the Awakened Maegu, the HP recovery and cooldown of Twirling Crane have been adjusted.
Hazy Path
  • Improved to activate by pressing ↑ + RMB with your main weapon when Heavenward Dance is locked.
Twirling Foxflare
  • Added Forward Guard when using the skill.
    • Changed to now apply Stiffness on attack 1 hits upon learning the Core version.
Twirling Crane
  • Changed HP recovery: 30% → 40% of Max HP
  • Reduced the cooldown: 18 sec → 16 sec
  • Improved to activate via Quick Slot with your main weapon.
Trial Characters
  • Added Scholar to be selectable as a trial character.
    • Click the "Trial" tab on the top right portion of the character selection screen to create a trial character.

Main & Ascension
  • Fixed the issue where hitting multiple targets with your hammers sounded abnormal.



Black Shrine Boss Blitz Teleport
The Black Shrine, a content where you can challenge the bosses of the Land of the Morning Light with difficulty levels of your choosing, is a content that many adventurers continue to enjoy.
Today's update introduces a new feature allowing immediate access to the Boss Blitz location. The Dokkebi Princess, who you encountered in Donghae Province, will help with this.
Now, by selecting the desired difficulty level in the Black Shrine UI, you can immediately enter the battle. We hope this update enhances your Black Shrine experience and encourages more of you to take on the challenge of the Black Shrine bosses.
  • Added a feature that allows you to teleport immediately to a Black Shrine Boss Blitz location.
    • The Dokkebi Princess has learnt a special spell for any travelers challenging the Black Shrine.
    • You can move to each boss location via the "Start Boss Blitz" button, and after combat ends, you will be returned to your original location.
      • The teleport function cannot be used in the Pit of the Undying.

  • Added Dokkebi Princess' guide to the Black Shrine UI, which informs about Aura management and moving to the Boss Blitz location.
  • Fixed so that when you die during the Black Shrine, you can immediately try again by clicking the Retry button.
  • Added a notification message at the top of the screen that informs the adventurer of the boss blitz completion result when the Black Shrine's boss has been defeated.

General Trade
The ""General Trade"" conducted via the Order Contract is laid to rest. (Processing trade such as ingots/crop boxes will remain as before.) We're currently exploring ways to revamp General Trade to better showcase the diverse features and charm of the vast Black Desert world.

As part of this process, we're easing some restrictions on trade items. From now on, you will be able to use the Magnus even when you have fish or coins.

Consider this update a step towards easing the various restrictions previously imposed by trade.

  • Trade Managers in each town have decided to temporarily stop handling general trade goods.
    • Changed so that trade goods cannot be purchased from NPCs through "Order Contract".
      • The "Order Contract" function has been removed.
    • The Old Moon Guild Newsletter for trade announcements is no longer available.
※ Trade goods stored in the Order Contract, inventory, and mount inventory have been compensated with Silver at the purchase price and Silver has been sent to the Central Market warehouse.
  • Changed so that you do not carry a load on your back when you obtain the following trade goods via gathering or guild drilling.
    • Magical Mandragora, Witch's Poison Herb, Saffron with Strong Scent, Fantastic Blue Rose, Moonlit Evening Primrose, Medicinal Autumn Bellflower Root
    • Top-quality Haso Silk, Aged Vintage Wine, Knight's Ornamental Sword, Inspired Artisanal Porcelain, Elaborate Glass Handicraft, Gold Decorated Stuffed Animal, Blissful Goddess's Tear
  • Changed so that trade goods can also be sold through the following NPCs after the update on Jan 17 (Wed).
Node NPC Node NPC
Velia Bahar Anti-Troll Fortification Andre Vidal
Bartali Farm Emma Bartali Phoniel's Cabin Villa Owner Phoniel
Western Guard Camp Luke Northern Wheat Plantation Norma Leight
Finto Farm Martina Finto Delphe Outpost Trade Manager Raibo
DelLucci Farm Daphne DelLucci Iliya Island Trade Manager Maonil
Loggia Farm Severo Loggia Altinova Quina
Toscani Farm Ovidio Toscani Tarif Brorum
Marino Farm Rovant Marino Abun Trade Manager Kesir Baum
Olvia Lolly Kusha Chakra
Heidel Siuta Splashing Point Trade Manager Tacho
Glish Larc Pilava Island Gerold
Central Guard Camp Trade Manager Xenians Racid Island Kunka
Southern Guard Camp Trade Manager Anti Baremi Island Sidimin
Moretti Plantation Mercianne Moretti Beiruwa Island Isaria
Alejandro Farm Amadeo Alejandro Luivano Island Izaak
Elda Farm Coco Elda Duch Island Andes
Northwestern Gateway Trade Manager Ginta Louruve Island Bilao
Southwestern Gateway Trade Manager Theonil Albresser Island Ninehart
Eastern Gateway Breman Daton Island Sion
Costa Farm Mael Costa Randis Island Sagotts
Lynch Ranch Murana Lynch Theonil Island Riotina
Keplan Hamir Deserted City of Runn Tony Vangertz
Dane Canyon (Trina Fort) Trade Manager Kirklas Ancado Inner Harbor Inaha
Calpheon Slum Trade Zone Harden Orisha Island Seltin
Calpheon Market Trade Zone Lindsiyana Herba Valencia City Yis Kunjamin
Calpheon Holy College Trade Zone Wolfgang Valencia City Burita Allon
Florin Trade Manager Loria Sand Grain Bazaar Atui Balacs
Port Epheria Trade Manager Olivino Grolin Shakatu Taphtar
Trent Rikta Rock Post Trade Manager Siamak
Behr Triee Ibellab Oasis Trade Manager Shuriar
Crioville Herio Arehaza Surondula
Longleaf Tree Sentry Post Trade Manager Koirin Muiquun Trade Manager Sophia
Contaminated Farm Libero Lemoria Guard Post Trade Manager Leminei Lain
Dias Farm Enzo Old Wisdom Tree Obi Bellen
Cohen Farm Jacob Viv Foretta Hamlet Trade Manager Norn Federers
Bernianto Farm Griffian Bernianto Grána Okiara
Marni Cave Path Henge Bato Lake Flondor Trade Manager Maina
Falres Dirt Farm Jame Falres Acher Guard Post Munanslyn
Bain Farmland Ann Tooth Fairy Cabin Trade Manager Bronn
Oberen Farm Matheo Oberen Ash Forest Ashlynn
Beacon Entrance Post Lonebaer Altinova Arena Nyabee
Abandoned Quarry Abandoned Quarry Scout Theo Duvencrune Farmland Dostter
Gianin Farm Goolie Gianin Sherekhan Necropolis Camira
Serendia Western Gateway Batuetta Ahib Conflict Zone Selena Aer
Oze Pass (Quarry Byway) Rock Investigator Enruka Marcha Outpost Ladar
Hill Path (Dane Canyon) Stranded Soldier John Khimut Lumber Camp Karl Verdun
North Kaia Pier Merio Dormann Lumber Camp Dormann
Rhutum Sentry Post Elinke Visamin Duvencrune Tikara
Abandoned Monastery Trade Manager Bacho Ladericcio Grándiha Titu
South Kaia Pier Bavao Papua Crinea Benns Lamute
Gabino Farm Bob Anderson Eilton Bollona
Mansha Forest Mansha Camp Balacs Jorg
Tobare's Cabin Tobare Awina's Tail Huan
Mediah Northern Gateway Suna Lise Pilgrim's End Lisae
Omar Lava Cave Hakan Derk Nampo's Moodle Village Gapsam
Stonetail Horse Ranch Asran Dalbeol Village Trade Manager Youngim
Shuri Farm Anna Marre Nopsae's Byeot County Trade Manager Old Lady Bokdeok
Kasula Farm Zaramas Kasula Asparkan Ametullah
Delphe Knights Castle Granbill Muzgar Sunnak

Eased Restrictions on Non-backpacking Trade Goods
  • With the suspension of general trade, the restrictions related to trade goods have been changed as follows.
    • After the change, trade goods are divided into the following two categories.
      • Non-backpacking trade goods, Backpacking trade goods
  • The following restrictions apply to non-backpacking trade goods. (Including mounts)
    • Use of Maid/Butler
    • Storing trade goods in Clorince's Travel Bag
  • The following restrictions apply to backpacking trade goods. (Including mounts)
    • Use of Guild Rally Command
    • Use of Lafi Bedmountain's Upgraded Compass/Telescope
    • Use of Archaeologist's/Traveler's Map
    • Character transport between towns
    • Use of the Magnus
    • Use of Maid/Butler
    • Use of Campsite
    • Entering the Free Arena, Red Battlefield, Old Moon Grand Prix, and Elvia Realm
    • Use of Trainer's Flute when carrying trade goods on a mount
    • Storing a mount in Krogdalo's Sanctuary when carrying trade goods on the mount
    • Storing trade goods in Clorince's Travel Bag
  • With the inability to purchase general trade goods, the following weekly quests are no longer available
    • Redeeming the Good Name of Xian, Urgent Request from Calpheon Workshop, Must-Haves for Calpheonian Madams, Dreaming Little Girl, Luxuries of the Altinovan Nobles, Parade of Research
  • Changed so that trade goods cannot be exchanged through Trade Item Exchange Coupons.
  • Collectors who collect Trade Item Exchange Coupons have appeared, and Trade Item Exchange Coupons can now be sold at NPC shops for 3,000 Silver.
  • Added to the description of the Trade Item Exchange Coupon that trade goods cannot be exchanged, and can be sold at NPC shops.


Sulfur Mine Jail (Prison)

  • Decreased the number of guards and executors and increased their attack damage by 33%.
  • Changed so that if you escape the maze of the Sulfur Mine Prison by avoiding the guards and executors' sight, your Family Karma will recover by +30,000.
  • Reduced the standby time before the guards and executors attack after detecting a prisoner.
  • Increased the distance that the guards and executors chase after detecting a prisoner.
  • Increased the distance at which the guards and executors detect a prisoner when the prisoner is standing.
  • Reduced the distance and angle at which the guards and executors detect a prisoner when the prisoner is in a sitting or crawling pose.
    • The detection range shown during patrol is displayed based on when the character is in a sitting pose.
  • Fixed the how the result is displayed after the Green Thumb Gathering minigame. Also, reduced the standby time at the end from 3 sec to 0.6 sec.


  • Fixed the issue where you could not complete Deve's Encyclopedia Chapter 2 - Volume 3 in Shakatu Merchants' Archive.
    • You now only need to hand over 3 instead of 7 types of things needed to go underwater.
    • The Vadabin Diving Mask and Splash Swimming Goggles are no longer used to complete the respective Adventure Log.



Gathering Tool Simplification

We're streamlining a variety of low-tier gathering tools into ""Magical"" gathering tools, and in the process, the Magical gathering tools have their equipment level restrictions removed.

For those new to gathering, you can take advantage of the tools offered by material vendors, now with a ""Gathering Time Reduction of 8 sec"" effect. As you progress, you'll be able to explore a wider range of gathering activities with the Magical gathering tools.
And for those looking to delve deeper into gathering, the Loggia/Dostter/Manos gathering tools will help you grow into a seasoned Life adventurer.

Lower-tier Gathering Tools Simplified to Magical Gathering Tools
  • After a long period of crafting various gathering tools, the Tool Workshops' blacksmiths have now shifted to exclusively crafting Magical gathering tools.
    • The following items can no longer be crafted in the Tool Workshop.
Crafting items made unavailable
Lumbering Axe
Sharp Lumbering Axe
Steel Lumbering Axe
Shining Steel Lumbering Axe
Lucky Lumbering Axe
Lucky Sharp Lumbering Axe
Lucky Steel Lumbering Axe
Lucky Shining Steel Lumbering Axe
Fluid Collector
Sharp Fluid Collector
Sturdy Fluid Collector
Shining Fluid Collector
Lucky Fluid Collector
Lucky Sharp Fluid Collector
Lucky Sturdy Fluid Collector
Lucky Shining Fluid Collector
Butcher Knife
Sharp Butcher Knife
Steel Butcher Knife
Shining Steel Butcher Knife
Lucky Butcher Knife
Lucky Sharp Butcher Knife
Lucky Steel Butcher Knife
Lucky Shining Steel Butcher Knife
Sharp Pickaxe
Steel Pickaxe
Shining Steel Pickaxe
Lucky Pickaxe
Lucky Sharp Pickaxe
Lucky Steel Pickaxe
Lucky Shining Steel Pickaxe
Bronze Hoe
Steel Hoe
Shining Steel Hoe
Lucky Hoe
Lucky Bronze Hoe
Lucky Steel Hoe
Lucky Shining Steel Hoe
Tanning Knife
Sharp Tanning Knife
Steel Tanning Knife
Shining Steel Tanning Knife
Lucky Tanning Knife
Lucky Sharp Tanning Knife
Lucky Steel Tanning Knife
Lucky Shining Steel Tanning Knife
※ For items that are being crafted or have been completed in the Tool Workshop, they have been compensated in Silver.
※ Knowledge of the life tools that can no longer be crafted can be obtained from Zaaira the material vendor in Velia.
  • Removed the Life Skill level requirement to equip Magical gathering tools.
    • Available from Gathering Skilled 5 → No Gathering Level Limit
  • Added Magical gathering tools in Level 3 Tool Workshops.
Life Tool Crafting Material
Magic Lumbering Axe Maple Timber x1, Steel x3, Iron Ingot x10, Black Stone Powder x5
Magic Hoe Maple Timber x1, Steel x2, Iron Ingot x10, Black Stone Powder x5
Magic Butcher Knife Maple Timber x 1, Steel x 1, Iron Ingot x 10, Fine Hard Hide x1, Black Stone Powder x4
Magic Tanning Knife Maple Timber x1, Steel x1, Iron Ingot x10, Fine Hard Hide x1, Black Stone Powder x5

Magic Pickaxe

Maple Timber x1, Steel x4, Iron Ingot x10, Black Stone Powder x5

Magic Fluid Collector

Steel x2, Iron Ingot x10, Black Stone Powder x5
  • The Shining gathering tools, which were needed to craft Manos life tools, have been changed to Magical gathering tools.

Material Vendor's Gathering Tools
  • With the supply of better gathering tools from Tool Workshops, material vendors will now sell better gathering tools.
    • Changed the name of white grade gathering tools sold by material vendors. (ex. Dull Axe → Lumbering Axe)
    • Added the "Gathering Time - 8 sec" effect to white grade gathering tools sold by material vendors.
    • Changed the "upgraded" gathering tools to no longer be sold by material vendors.
  • Changed the following due to the removal of some gathering tools.
    • Changed the required tool for the "My Favorite Things" journal in Shakatu Merchants" Archive - Deve's Encyclopedia Volume 6.
      • Lucky Sharp Tanning Knife → Tanning Knife
        ※ You can purchase Tanning Knife from material vendors in each town.
    • Changed Life tools obtained through Challenge and Quests.
    • Changed the names and components of some boxes and items.


Weapon/Armor Reform Stone Simplification

We've also simplified Weapon/Armor Reform Stones, leaving only the Ultimate variations.
Weapon/Armor Reform Stones grades 1 to 3, which had certain success rates, have been replaced with Ultimate Weapon/Armor Reform Stones, which have guaranteed success rates.
  • Simplified Weapon/Armor Reform Stones by deleting grades 1 to 3.
    • Equipment upgrade previously done with grades 1 to Ultimate can now be done with Ultimate Weapon/Armor Reform Stones.
  • Added Ultimate Weapon/Armor Reform Stone crafting to Refinery level 3.
Ultimate Weapon Reform Stone Crafting Materials Ultimate Armor Reform Stone Crafting Materials
Steel x50
Sharp Black Crystal Shard x1
Black Crystal x30
Red Tree Lump x20
Clown's Blood x20
Black Stone Powder x400
Steel x40
Hard Black Crystal Shard x1
Black Crystal x30
Old Tree Bark x20
Clown's Blood x20
Black Stone Powder x400
  • Changed the Hunter's Seal exchanges for reform stones with Thyshelle Arms in Tarif.
Before After
Hunter's Seal x5: Grade 3 Weapon Reform Stone x1
Hunter's Seal x5: Grade 3 Armor Reform Stone x1
Hunter's Seal x100: Ultimate Weapon Reform Stone x1
Hunter's Seal x50: Ultimate Armor Weapon Reform Stone x1
  • Changed the following due to the removal of Weapon/Armor Reform Stones grades 1 to 3:
    • Improved the item description of Ultimate Weapon/Armor Reform Stones.
    • Mail was sent with compensation in Silver for owned Weapon/Armor Reform Stones grades 1 to 3 based on Central Market prices.
    • Weapon/Armor Reform Stones grades 1 to 3 have been unlisted and those purchased/sold have been collected.
    • Removed Weapon/Armor grades 1 to 3 upgrades in the Item Reform menu.
    • Any Weapon/Armor Reform Stones grades 1 to 3 that were being crafted in the Refinery will be crafted once and reimbursed at the Central Market price.
    • Removed the crafting formula for Weapon/Armor Reform Stones grades 1 to 3 in the Refinery.
    • Removed the processing formula that allowed the crafting of Ultimate Weapon/Armor Reform Stones with grade 3 Weapon/Armor Reform Stones.
    • Removed the exchange formula for Weapon/Armor Reform Stones grades 1 to 3 used in Dorin Morgrim's Adventure Log.

  • Added usage and acquisition details to the descriptions of around 60 guild items.
  • Added a phrase to the description of the Millennial Wild Ginseng stating that its effects apply to the entire family.
  • Added information about Nampo's Moodle Village to the description of Starlight Powder.
  • Improved the description related to the extraction and removal of cup upgraded accessories.
  • Improved the text during the [Purified Sake Cup] quest to clearly indicate that it involves removal, not extraction.
  • Added a description to [Event] Valks' Note explaining the quest related to the item.


  • Fixed the issue where you could abnormally accept the "[Wagon] [Repeat] Capricious Merindora" quest.
    • Changed so you can now obtain Merindora's Element via exchange.
      • Before: Accept and complete the recurring quest by handing in 10 of 1 of the 5 meal items and be rewarded Merindora's Element
      • After: Exchange 10 of 1 of the 5 meal items to NPC Merindora for Merindora's Element
※ Exchangeable meal items: Balenos, Serendia, Calpheon, Mediah, and Valencia Meal 
    • Changed the quest group displayed in Quests (O) due to Merindora's Element now being exchangeable.
      • [Crafting] Peridot Forest Path Wagon has been changed to [Mount] Pleasant Travels with Peridot Forest Path Wagon.
※ The Exchange button will only appear if you have the appropriate meal items in possession.


  • Artina has begun to more actively promote her instrument shops.
    • Improved so that even if you complete a quest by visiting just one of Artina's instrument shops operating in Kaia, Flondor, Ancado, or Salanar, you can acquire knowledge of the other regional instrument shops from Artina.
      • Artina's Kaia Instrument Shop
      • Artina's Flondor Instrument Shop
      • Artina's Ancado Instrument Shop
      • Artina's Salanar Instrument Shop
  • Improved sounds to play more natural in rowdy combat situations.
  • Made the Morning Light blacksmith dialog read more natural when exchanging Tuvala gear.



  • Changed the name of the menu.
    • Edit Menu → Menu
      • Changed the icon of the above menu.
    • The Edit Menu function has been moved to the right of the menu. (cogwheel icon)
  • Improved the Server Selection screen to not display the Enter button when setting the Main Server.




  • Changed and unified the following in English:
    • Camera Afterimage/Blur Effect → Camera Motion Blur Effect

  • Changed and unified the following in Turkish:
    • unvan → ünvan
    • Savaş Asi Erzak Paketi → Savaş Erzak Paketi
    • Asi Erzak Paketi → Erzak Paketi
    • Pirinç Unlu Hamur → Pirinç Hamuru
    • Teff Un Hamuru → Teff Hamuru
    • Fereke Un Hamuru → Fereke Hamuru
    • Balmumu → Cila
    • Beewax → Bal Mumu
    • Kene Saç Süsü → Kini Saç Süsü


  • [Valkyrie, Mystic, Lahn, Corsair] Fixed the issue where the teeth were unnaturally exposed when wearing a Coco-Nutty Pirates Helmet.
  • Fixed so maids, butlers, and pets will no longer be visible when entering an abyssal well to the Magnus.
  • Fixed the issue where non-enhanced accessories were also processed after the item processing when processing (L) enhanced accessories using the "Process all identical items" function.
  • Fixed the issue where the combat readiness pose looked awkward when fighting with Gumiho in the Land of the Morning Light and the Black Temple.
  • Fixed the issue where the appearance of Honorable Choi Nolbu was flickering in certain situations while progressing with the illustration quest in the Land of the Morning Light.
  • Fixed the issue where you could not acquire the knowledge of Mural of Experience I-V when proceeding with the simplified main quest.
  • Fixed the issue where the crystal effects were not displayed in the confirmation message when changing crystals in Crystal Preset.
  • Fixed the issue where notes were not displayed when editing certain scores that could be played.
  • Fixed the issue where the Storage Keeper NPCs of Asparkan and Muzgar were displayed as normal NPCs on the World Map.
  • Fixed the issue where the character could not escape when moving to a specific location at the entrance of Hystria Ruins.
  • Fixed the issue where the floor and wallpaper were not applied inside the residence of Muzgar.
  • Fixed the issue where the character appeared abnormally fast during some "Great Steps" in the Black Temple and the Land of the Morning Light.
  • Fixed the issue where lightstones were displayed in the below monster zones in the monster zone Info UI.
    • Darkseekers' Retreat, City of the Dead, Tungrad Ruins
  • Fixed the issue where an unnatural system message was displayed when canceling after editing the menu.
  • Fixed the issue where the red background highlight effect remained when moving the mouse after hovering over the menu to be edited during menu editing.
  • Fixed the issue where the Party Invite UI went beyond the Party Settings window when minimizing the screen in game window mode while using the gamepad UI.
  • Fixed the issue where the PlayStation logo was displayed in my Party/Platoon Settings while using the gamepad UI.
  • [Ranger] Fixed the issue where parts of the Cantabile outfit appeared unnatural in a certain body shape.
  • [Sorceress] Fixed the issue where dyeing hair whilst wearing Grandpa Cron's Helper Outfit made some appearances unnatural at a certain display quality.
  • [Dark Knight] Fixed the issue where the Lovely Bloom armor appeared unnatural in certain poses in Awakening.
  • [Corsair] Fixed the issue where whilst performing certain actions, the back decor of Shell Belle Armor (Wipeout) appeared unnatural.
  • [Drakania] Fixed the issue where some appearances appeared unnatural when wearing Lath'rakan Armor and Exclaire Shoes together.
  • Fixed the issue where the tooltip of the guild galley in Guild Crafting overlaps when it is long.
  • Fixed the issue where sound suddenly became louder when turning left or right on a wagon with horses.
  • [Striker] Fixed the issue where the Stun debuff of Echo Spirit was being applied during PvP.
  • [Woosa] Fixed the issue where the Stun and Knockdown debuffs from Bloomburst and Bloom Deluge (Sari Flower effects) were not being applied during PvP.
  • Fixed the issue where guild skills weren't working properly in certain situations.
  • [Black Shrine] Fixed the issue where some items were listed multiple times in the loot description of the below Boss Blitz bosses.
    • Mudang Wraith (Bari), Songakshi, Bamboo Legion Lieutenant