Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


Updates Feb 28, 2024, 08:00 (UTC+3) February 28, 2024 (Wed) Update Details


Hello, Adventurers.


Here are the updates made to Black Desert on February 28, 2024.

(Patch size: approx. 1.29 GB)
- Please note that the update for Steam may be larger than the size listed above.


※ Please read below for details.



  • Event 1. Copy Your Item with One Fuel! 
    • Event Period : Feb 28, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance - Mar 27, 2024 (Wed) before maintenance
[More details]


  • Event 2. In Memory of Port Ratt [Before and After]Time Machine Screenshot Event! 
    • Event Period : Feb 28, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance - Mar 13, 2024 (Wed) before maintenance
[More details]

  • Event 3. [Spring Sale] Packages and Bundles Sale
    • Event Period : February 28, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance – March 21, 2024 (Thu) 21:00
[More details]

  • Event 4. The Guild Fair is Here! 
    • Event Period : March 8, 2024 (Fri) 18:00
[More details]


  • Event 5. Here Comes Another Round of Guild Login Rewards!
    • Event Period : Feb 29, 2024 (Thu) 00:00 - Mar 27, 2024 (Wed) 23:59
[More details]


  • Event 6. Unite Your Strength with Guild Missions!
    • Event Period : Feb 28, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance - Mar 13, 2024 (Wed) before maintenance
[More details]

MAJOR UPDATES - War of the Roses

A new form of conquest war begins this coming month day (Sun), the War of the Roses. We'd like to thank all of our Adventurers for their support and patience. Being a large-scale PvP content, we will keep a close eye during the preseason, applying fixes and making adjustments with haste where needed.

War of the Roses - Main Questline

By the Oracle of Sylvia, the War of the Roses has ignited between Kamasylvia and O'dyllita over the Allmother's throne.
Queen Brolina Ornette of Kamasylvia and Queen Viorencia Odore of O'dyllita bolster their respective factions, welcoming all adventurers eager to join their cause.
One throne, two successors. Who shall emerge as the rightful queen?
  • Added the War of the Roses main questline.
    • Upon completing the [O'dyllita] Hadum's Realm quest, talk to the Black Spirit and accept [War of the Roses] Tulid's Message under the Main quests tab.
  • The War of the Roses questline divides into two crossroad paths by selecting either Kamasylvia or O'dyllita, and you can only proceed with one path at any given time.
    • Completing each crossroad path will grant you the following titles.
Kamasylvia Crossroads Path O'dyllita Crossroads Path
[Title] White Rose Bloom [Title] Black Rose Bloom
* You do not need to complete the War of the Roses main questline to participate in the War of the Roses.

War of the Roses - Participation

You can participate in the War of the Roses from the ESC Menu - War - War of the Roses.
Once the Leading Guilds have been appointed (Sat at 00:00 - Sun at 00:10),
adventurers can apply for the Third Legion spots (during Sun 00:10 - 15:05)
  Leading (Captain's) Guild The Third Legion
How to Apply ESC Menu - War (F7) - War of the Roses
Participants Up to 100 (members of the same guild/alliance, including war heroes) per faction Up to 200 per faction
When to Apply
Sat at 00:00 - Sun at 00:10
Leading guilds announced on Sun at 00:10
After leading guild announcement,
Sun at 00:10 - Sun at 15:05

Guilds (alliances) appointed as leading guilds must select a "captain" by Sun at 15:05. (Cannot change once confirmed.)

Conditions Guilds (alliances) who've won at least one Tier 4/5 Node War/Conquest War in the past two weeks
(Each victory accrues points, and guilds /alliances with the highest *accrued points will be appointed)
Total gear score of at least 700 (AP + DP)
(Sum of main/awakening AP (highest of the two) and DP)
Costs 10 billion Silver in Guild (alliance) funds
* Refunded if not selected
500 million Silver
* Refunded if not selected
Selection Process Sun at 00:10
Guild with highest accrued points selected
Sun at 15:05
Applicants randomly selected
Participants after Selection Up to 100 (members of the same guild/alliance, including war heroes) per faction Up to 200 per faction
Faction Randomly selected between Kamasylvia and O'dyllita factions
Other Can join via the "Participate" button on the War of the Roses server (akin to Node/Conquest War) -
*Points accrued per victory: Tier 4 Node War: 1 point / Tier 5 Node War: 3 points / Conquest War: 10 points

Additional Notes

[On Refunded Costs]
- If you are not selected to participate in the War of the Roses, you can press the "Refund" button via the ESC Menu - War - War of the Roses to be refunded for the application fees (in guild funds/Silver).
- Application fees (guild funds/Silver) will be forever lost if unclaimed before the leading guild's application period of the next War of the Roses.

[On Participation]
- Application for and participation in the War of the Roses is separate from occupied nodes/territories of Node/Conquest War.
- Guilds/alliances with the highest accrued points from Node/Conquest War in the past two weeks will be appointed as the leading (captain's) guild for War of the Roses.

* If there are multiple guilds/alliances with the same number of highest points accrued, the final selection will be random.
- Guild (alliance) members of any rank (from apprentice to officer) in a leading (captain's) guild can participate.
- You can opt in/out of War of the Roses participation up until the war begins. Similar to Node/Conquest War rules, you cannot change your participation status after this.

[On Forming/Breaking Alliances]
- Once your guild has applied for the leading (captain's) guild, you cannot disband your guild, nor form/break any alliances until it ends.
* If you opt out of participation before a leading (captain's) guild is selected, then you can disband your guild and/or form/break an alliance.
- When forming/breaking an alliance, points for the War of the Roses leading guilds/alliances accrued from the Node/Conquest War will be reset.

[On Joining/Leaving Guilds & War Heroes]
- Once your guild has applied for the leading (captain's) guild, you cannot disband your guild, nor invite/kick members until the war has ended.
- Once appointed as the leading (captain's) guild, you can appoint and participate as many war heroes of your guild/alliance as you see fit up until the war begins.
* Once the war begins, however, you won't be able to appoint any more war heroes until the war ends.
- You cannot leave a guild without claiming any outstanding War of the Roses rewards after a war has concluded.

[On War Heroes & the Third Legion]
- Any war heroes of guilds/alliances appointed as leading (captain's) guilds cannot apply to participate in the Third Legion.
- Applicants of the Third Legion cannot be appointed as war heroes of leading (captain's) guilds.

War of the Roses - Schedule

Guilds can apply for the leading guild from Saturday at 00:00 to Sunday at 00:10 for approx. 24 hours. The appointed leading guild will be announced after this.
After the leading guilds are announced, from Sunday from 00:10 to 15:05, for approx. 15 hours, captains will be appointed, and applications will be taken for participants of the Third Legion.
The War of the Roses will be held for two hours on Sundays at 18:00 to 20:00.
War of the Roses Schedule Table
War Server - O'dyllita-1 server
War Period - Once every two weeks
(Subject to change during preseason)
Applying for the Leading (Captain's) Guild
- Saturday at 00:00 - Sunday at 00:10
※ Any points accrued after the initial application will automatically be factored in for the final count.
Leading (Captain's) Guild Appointments Announcement
- Sunday at 00:10
Applying for the Leading Guild's Captain and the Third Legion
- Sunday at 00:10 - 15:05
Leading Guild Captain Appointments & the Third Legion Announcements
- Sunday at 15:05
War of the Roses Times
- Sunday at 18:00 - 20:00
(Subject to change during the preseason)

Captain & Lieutenants

Guild masters of the leading guilds can either appoint or become captains themselves to seize command over the battlefield.
Captains gain access to the tactical map, which lets them see live updates during the war, as well as an arsenal of unique skills.
Lieutenants play a rather important part in supporting their captains, and their appointment can effectively swing the tide of battle.
  • The leading (captain's) guild must appoint one captain to command the Third Legion within the designated time, otherwise, the guild master of the leading guild will automatically be appointed as the legion's captain.
    • You can appoint the captain via ESC Menu - War - War of the Roses.
* Once a captain has been appointed and announced, they cannot be changed, so make your decision wisely.
* Once appointed, a captain must appoint three trusty lieutenants before the War of the Roses begins. Failure to do so will lead to the captain entering the war without any lieutenants.


  • One captain can be appointed appointed to each side (Kamasylvia & O'dyllita), and they can utilize the tactical map to decree orders and set up objectives for the Third Legion to take on and carry out during the war.
    • Captains also gain access to exclusive skills that will grant their faction benefits in battle.
  • Captains can place leading guild members and Third Legion mercenaries into platoons, and only captains can set and edit the platoons.
  • You can edit platoons even while a war is in progress, but you cannot remove members of a platoon once war has begun.
    • You cannot edit Third Legion platoons that have been assigned with missions.
  • Captains can follow allies on the tactical map, along with occupied points, while continuously issuing/canceling missions to the Third Legion. (Canceling a mission will deem it completed.)


  • Captains of each faction's leading (captain's) guild can appoint three lieutenants.
  • Lieutenants can also assign orders and various missions to members of the Third Legion via the tactical map.

War of the Roses - War Area

  • The War of the Roses is held over sections of Kamasylvia and O'dyllita territories displayed below.
  • There are no safety zones in the War of the Roses - the entire map becomes a combat zone.
  • Ornette & Odore Castles have stable keepers and wharf managers in certain spots available.
  • Old Wisdom Tree and Starry Midnight Port also have stable keepers and wharf managers available.

War's Commencement & Progress

Any participants standing in the war area prior to the war beginning will be automatically teleported to within their faction's castle walls once the war begins.
Your faction commander's blessings can be received by standing near them before heading out to conquer your first sanctum.
Defeat adventurers in the opposing faction to accrue higher ranks that will display on your simplified Family info.

Participant Placement

  • Once the war begins, all participants within the war area will be moved to one of three random coordinates within their faction's castle walls.
    • You won't be moved if you're already inside your faction's castle.
* All participants must move to the war area to participate in the War of the Roses.

Faction Buffs

  • When the war begins, each faction's commander will grant a boon for 5 minutes to all who approach them within Ornette/Odore Castle.
    • These buffs will help support your conquest of sanctums.
Kamasylvia Faction O'dyllita Faction
Narchillan's Blessing
(Effect: Extra AP Against Monsters +30 for 10 min)
Sephir's Blessing
(Effect: Extra AP Against Monsters +30 for 10 min)

Ranks & Simplified Family Info

  • All participants will see their character name display simplified as the following during the war:
    • Faction (Kamasylvia: White Rose Legion / O'dyllita: Black Rose Legion)
    • Rank (Based on performance, but Captain/Lieutenant remains fixed)
    • Family Name
Hero Devourer Elite Champion Champion
100 kills 50 kills 30 kills Base rank

Additional Notes

- All participants' Black Spirit's Rage is reset once war begins.
- Guild skills are restricted on a server with War of the Roses in progress.
- Akin to Node/Conquest War rules, all monsters on War of the Roses servers will disappear 15 minutes prior to war's beginning, only to return 10 minutes after a war's conclusion.
- Akin to Node/Conquest War rules, all usage of/access to the Archaeologist's Map, Lafi Bedmountain's Improved Compass/Telescope, and the Magnus Abyssal Wells are restricted.
- Akin to Node/Conquest War rules, all non-participants on the same server will see their DP reduced to 0 and become susceptible to participant attacks.
* Only adventurers bearing the "War Correspondent" title can go about their corresponding ways, unaffected by the above effects.
- All areas where the War of the Roses is in progress become Combat Zones.


War of the Roses - Sanctums & Monsters

Occupied sanctums not only grant beneficial buffs to allies (faction and the Third Legion) but also serve as resurrection points.
Take advantage of these buffs to gain the upper hand and ultimately defeat the opposing faction's commander.
Do note that any interruptions between occupied sanctums may cause you to lose all buffs.
▲ 20 sanctums consisting of N (Narchillan) 1 to 10, S (Sephir) 1 to 10, and the Spirit's Altar (center)

Sanctums & Guardians

  • There are 20 sanctums in the War of the Roses, with different monsters spawning at each sanctum.
    • Minus the 1st sanctum occupied in the beginning by each faction, once war commences, Faded Relics will spawn at each neutral sanctum, which will remain passive to adventurers.
  • If a sanctum is occupied by the opposing faction, you will need to defeat all monsters that have spawned at that sanctum. Once all monsters have been cleared, an allied guardian monster will spawn affiliated to the newly re-occupied sanctum.
    • Guardian monster types are fixed based on each sanctum.
Kamasylvia Faction Guardian Monsters O'dyllita Faction Guardian Monsters
Urugon, Ronin, Narc Brishka, Old Mirumok,
Fadus Warrior, Fadus Shaman, Fadus Archer
Olun's Golem, Ulutuka, Turo Berserker, Dark Knight,
Ahib Salun Wolf Spearmaiden, Ahib Salun Bear Spearmaiden, Ahib Dark Champion
  • You can only conquer sanctums that are closest to a sanctum occupied by your faction. Defeating monsters in any other sanctums will not let your faction occupy them.
  • Each time your faction occupies a sanctum, all participants in your faction will obtain one of the following passive effects.
    • You can check the tactical map to see which sanctum grants which passive effect.
Sanctum Passives
AP +28
Damage Reduction +24
Black Spirit's Rage Recovery +1% per 10 sec
All Resistance +5%
HP +2,000
Movement Speed +5%
Attack Speed +2%
Accuracy +28
Evasion +24

Spirit's Altar

The guards of Ornette and Odore Castles are quite formidable,
so occupying the Spirit's Altar to attain the Spirit's Blessing is key before attempting any siege of the opposing faction's castle.
You must transfer a certain amount of Black Spirit's Rage to occupy the Spirit's Altar.
We strongly recommend utilizing mounts with high HP, such as the elephant, before attempting the siege.
  • There is only one Spirit's Altar during the war, and you must transfer enough Black Spirit's Rage into the monsters spawned around the altar to occupy it.
    • The Spirit's Altar is crucial to occupy before attempting to siege the enemy faction's castle due to the powerful buffs it grants, and will also spawn Ancient Chariots, Ancient Trolls, and elephants.
Spirit's Altar Occupation Effects
Ancient Chariot, Ancient Trolls, Elephants
"Spirit's Blessing" boon granted
* The Spirit's Blessing grants temporary but powerful effects helpful when besieging the enemy castle.
The guards of Ornette/Odore Castle are quite formidable, but do not respawn upon defeat,
so taking them down while under the effects of the Spirit's Blessing is the key to achieving victory in the War of the Roses.
  • Once the Spirit's Altar is activated, it cannot be re-occupied for 20 minutes, and you can check the timer on the tactical map.

War of the Roses - Victory Conditions

The ultimate goal of the leading (captain's) guild is to defeat the opposing faction's commander (Narchillian or Sephir).
For the sake of securing the advantage in local skirmishes, it is crucial to continue occupying more sanctums.
With your guild (alliance) members, lead up to 200 Third Legion members and the rest of your faction to victory.
The Third Legion's ultimate goal is also taking down the opposing faction's commander.
Raze down enemy sanctums and protect those occupied by your faction, while freely engaging the enemy throughout the war area.
The leading (captain's) guild will issue missions from time to time where needed, so carry them out to achieve your goal.
  • You must defeat the opposing faction's commander located within their castle walls to achieve victory in War of the Roses.
    • If both commanders remain standing at the end of the War of the Roses, the faction whose commander has the highest HP wins.
Commander Narchillan of Ornette Castle Commander Sephir of Odore Castle
  • Guards watch over the inner and outer walls of each faction's castle, and they are quite formidable, so proceed with caution.
    • Defeated guards will not respawn.

War of the Roses - Tactical Map

During the War of the Roses, the world map used is known as the Tactical Map.
The Tactical Map displays occupation status, HP, and other information of each sanctum.
Captains and lieutenants can view the location and view of allies, and the location of enemies discovered by allies will also be marked on the map.
Through the Tactical Map, captains and lieutenants of the leading guild (alliance) can issue missions for the Third Legion to attack, defend, and suppress each sanctum.
Missions ordered by captains and lieutenants on the Tactical Map are displayed on screen to the Third Legion, along with navigation.
The captain of the leading guild (alliance) can access six captain-only faction skills via the Tactical Map.
You can illuminate your own view to spot any weaknesses or obscure the opponents' tactical map to disrupt their tactics.
Powerful Ogres and Griffons can be summoned to a specific sanctum to occupy or defend.
Platoons can be rallied to certain allied sanctums, making it invincible for a period of time.

Tactical Map

  • The Tactical Map is exclusively used in place of the world map during the War of the Roses.
    • The war area and status of the faction commander can be checked, along with sanctum status (remaining HP, occupation status), and the placement of platoons.
    • Regardless of your faction, allies are marked in blue, and enemies are marked in red on the Tactical Map.
    • The location and status of members based on their position can also be viewed.
Captains & Lieutenants - Can see the location of all allies and enemy locations in revealed areas.
Platoon Leaders of Each Faction - Can see one's current location and the location of other platoon members.
Platoon Members of Each Faction
The Third Legion of Each Faction
- Can see one's current location

Tactical Map Control

The captain can inspect the allies' platoon formation and together with the lieutenant, can assign missions to the Third Legion.
Missons can be assigned continuously to move forward with the Third Legion.
If allies are moving around or lost, their direction can be assigned through area selection control (ALT+LMB drag).
A colored navigation ping (ALT+RMB) can also be used in major regions or locations.
[F1] Platoon List - The list of platoons formed by guild members and the Third Legion can be checked on the bottom left of the Tactical Map.
[F2] Platoon Deployment - Captains can place guild members and the Third Legion in platoons (20 members max each).
- Once placed, the Third Legion can be given missions by the captain at a platoon level.
[F3] Mission Assignment - Captains and lieutenants can assign missions to the Third Legion by clicking on sanctums and such.
[F4] Chat UI - The chat UI can be toggled on or off in the Tactical Map.
RMB - Navigation is directed to the region right-clicked on.
Area Selection
ALT + LMB (Drag)
- Select allies located within the area.
- RMB after selection to set navigation for allies towards said area.
Navigation (Ping Function)
- The Tactical Map displays four different navigation guide colors: red, yellow, blue, and green.
- All allies can see the navigation guide colors on their screen.

Faction Skills

One of the most significant strategic elements to win the War of the Roses is the captain's faction skills.
Confuse or trick your opponents with strategic skills to gain an advantage during the battle.
Multiple skills can be used together for a more effective strategy.
  • Only the captain can use the six faction skills during the War of the Roses.
    • The six faction skills are as follows.
Skill Name Skill Description
Enhance Vision
Reveals an obscured field of vision for 10 sec.
Cooldown: 5 min
Rally Forces
Instantly teleports a selected platoon to the targeted sanctum.
Cooldown: 5 min
Powerful Attack
Summon King Griffon/Khalk near a designated sanctum to temporarily unleash heavy area-of-effect damage.
Cooldown: 10 min
Summon Ogre
Summons a group of violent Ogres near the designated sanctum. The summoned Ogres will disappear when a targeted sanctum's guardian is defeated or after a certain time period.
Cooldown: 20 min
Obscure Vision
Obscures the enemy's field of vision in fog for 30 sec.
The enemy captain can use "Enhance Vision" skill to remove the obscure vision effect.
Cooldown: 3 min
Immobilize Guardians
Freezes the sanctum's guardians and restores 20% of their HP,
making them impossible to target for approximately 1 min.
Cooldown: 10 min

The Third Legion's Mission

The Third Legion operates freely within the war area, facing various enemies and situations.
You can earn more rewards by completing missions assigned by your faction.
(Note that during the preseason period, mission completion rewards will not be applied)
  • Adventurers participating as members of the Third Legion can go on missions assigned by the captain, which may be completed at a platoon level.
    • The six types of missions are as follows.
  • Depending on which mission is selected for a given location (attack, defense, or enemy suppression), the Third Legion can be assigned one of the following six missions.
Sanctum Attack Capture a specific sanctum within 10 min.
Sanctum Defense Defend a specific sanctum for 10 min.
Defeat a Commander Defeat a Commander within 10 min.
Protect a Commander Protect a Commander for 10 min.
Defeat Enemies (x40) Eliminate 40 enemies within 10 min.
Spirit's Altar Activation Activate the Spirit's Altar for your faction within 10 min.
  • Missions performed at platoon level can only be carried out one at a time, and multiple missions are impossible.
  • Missions can continuously be assigned and completed. The more successful missions, the higher the rewards. (Note that during the preseason period, mission completion rewards will not be applied).

War Stats UI

  • Added War Stats UI to allow you to check the status of the War of the Roses.
    • Those participating in the War of the Roses can view their kill/death record below the minimap and clicking it will open the War Stats UI where you can see the stats of your allies.
      • You can also open the War Stats UI from the tactical map by pressing F5.
※ War Stats can be accessed via Menu - War (F7) for those not participating in War of the Roses.※ War Stats can be viewed aftter the War of the Roses match ends and will be maintained until the next War of the Roses.

War of the Roses - Weapons

In War of the Roses, annexes such as Elephant Nursery and Cannon Observatory are not utilized,
and weapons deployed at the start of the War of Roses can be used immediately.
By effectively utilizing the characteristics of each weapon (such as damage to guardian monsters, damage to individuals, etc.), you can gain an advantage in the war.
  • During the War of the Roses, five types of weapons are available: Elephants, Chariots, Trolls, Ballistae, and Cannons. These spawn at specific locations at the start of the war.
  • Elephants, Chariots, and Ballistae spawn on the bridge in front of each faction's Ornette/Odore castle, while Cannons spawn at designated spots.
  • The Ancient Troll, a siege mount, is only summoned when the Spirit's Altar is occupied. It can be directly mounted by an adventurer from the occupying faction.
  • Once deployed at the start of the war, these weapons do not respawn if destroyed and will disappear at the war's end.
  • The War of the Roses weapons are accessible to all allies, regardless of whether they belong to the leading (captain's) guild or the Third Legion or their rank.
  • When using the War of the Roses exclusive weapons - chariot, ballista, and cannon, no ammunition is consumed.

Weapon (Range) Max HP (Durability) Mobility Damage and Debuffs
Ancient Troll (Melee) Mid-level Max HP Mid-level Mobility Mid-level Damage on Sanctum
High-level Damage on Adventurer
Elephant (Melee) High-level Max HP Mid-level Mobility Low-level Damage on Adventurer
Various Debuff Effects (Knockback, Knockdown)
Ancient Chariot (Short Range) Low-level Max Durability High-level Mobility High-level Damage on Adventurer
Ballista (Mid-range) Low-level Max Durability Low-level Mobility High-level Damage on Sanctum
High-level Damage on Ancient Chariot, Elephant, Ancient Troll, and Ballista
Cannon (Long Range) Low-level Max Durability Low-level Mobility High-level Damage on Adventurer
Debuff Effect (Knockdown)

War of the Roses - Revival

When you die in the War of the Roses, you can choose to revive at a sanctum occupied by your allies.
You can also choose between Quick Revival or Revival.
  • Upon death, you can choose a location on the Tactical Map to revive at.
    • You can choose a location in your faction's castle, or a sanctum occupied by your allies.
    • You can choose either Quick Revival (30 sec) or Revival (45 sec).
    • Quick Revival is faster, but only recovers your HP by 20%, whereas Revival takes longer, but you recover full HP.
* When you die in the War of the Roses, your mount is also moved to your location and revived if it was killed.
Quick Revival Select an occupied sanctum and be revived with 20% HP
30 sec cooldown
Revival Select an occupied sanctum and be revived with 100% HP
45 sec cooldown

Sanctum Stable Keeper Musical Spirits

  • Stable Keeper Musical Spirits will appear at each Sanctum.
    • These Musical Spirits will appear when the War of the Roses begins and will return to nature after the war ends.
    • You can take out horses and use the remote collection or repair functions.
      • However, you cannot transport horses to Sanctums.
※ Mounts checked into Sanctum Stable Keepers will be sent to either Grána or O'dylita stables after the War of the Roses ends, depending on the Sanctums.
- If mounts are killed, they will not be transported and can be retrieved from any stable via recovery menu in stable.

War of the Roses - Rewards

War of the Roses Preseason Rewards

  • The following rewards will be given at the end of the War of the Roses during the preseason.
    • Rewards are distributed via Black Spirit's Safe based on the result when the War of the Roses ends.
War of the Roses Result Leading Guild Third Legion
Victory [Reward worth 3 billion Silver]
- Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x3
Liberation [Reward worth 2 billion Silver]
- Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x2
Defeat [Reward worth 1.5 billion Silver]
- Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x1
- Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x5
* Note that rewards may not be granted if you do not fully participate in the War of the Roses, including cases of absence.

War of the Roses Season Rewards

  • The following rewards are given at the end of the War of the Roses during seasons.
War of the Roses Result Leading Guild Third Legion
Victory [Reward worth 6 billion Silver]
- Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x3
- Rosy Victory Reward Chest x1
[Reward worth 3 billion Silver]
- Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x3

+ additional rewards for mission completions
Liberation [Reward worth 4 billion Silver]
- Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x2
- Rosy Liberation Reward Chest x1
[Reward worth 2 billion Silver]
- Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x2

+ additional rewards for mission completions
Defeat [Reward worth 3 billion Silver]
- Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x1
- Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x5
- Rosy Defeat Reward Chest x1
[Reward worth 1.5 billion Silver]
- Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x1
- Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x5

+ additional rewards for mission completions
* War of the Roses season rewards are subject to change.

War of the Roses Penalty

  • You will receive a penalty for the following violations while participating in the War of the Roses.
    • Not connected to the War of the Roses server (O'dyllita-1) for more than 10 minutes.
    • No character movement for more than 10 minutes during the War of the Roses.
    • Moving out of the war area for more than 10 minutes or 10 times.
* When you leave the war area, a warning will be displayed on the minimap at the top right of the screen. When you are out of the area for more than 1 minute, a warning message will be displayed, and you will receive the penalty if the message is shown 10 times.
  • When you receive the War of the Roses penalty, the below will be applied.
    • Cannot collect War of the Roses rewards.
    • Cannot participate in the following 4 wars as part of the Third Legion.
    • Adventurers who've received a penalty when participating as the Third Legion cannot join as part of a leading guild.
      • Adventurers who've received a penalty cannot apply for a leading guild if they are a guild master or alliance leader.
      • Adventurers who've received a penalty cannot be appointed as commander or lieutenant of a leading guild.
  • Penalized participant information (guild and Family details) will be shared with their faction's captain and lieutenants for the real-time platoon reorganization.
    • Penalized adventurers will be marked on the participants list on the left of the War of the Roses placement edit screen and the platoon list.

Repetitive Third Legion Participation Prevention

  • When selecting participants for the Third Legion in the War of the Roses, the following priorities are applied.
    • 1st Priority Group (Third Legion first picks): Those who are not selected as the Third Legion in the last war
    • 2nd Priority Group (when the 1st priority group is short on members): Those with a history of being selected as the Third Legion in the last war
* If you participated in the previous war as part of the Leading Guild (alliance), you will be considered the 1st priority group when applying as the Third Legion in the next War of the Roses.
For example:
Preseason Round 1 - Selected for the Third Legion
Preseason Round 2 - 2nd priority group for the Third Legion
Preseason Round 3 - 1st priority group for the Third Legion

War Correspondent

  • Added a function for adventurers with the War Correspondent title to view the status of the war via ESC → War → War of the Roses UI.
    • You can check the Tactical Map and overall sanctum occupation status/HP while on the O'dyllita server during the war via the War of the Roses UI.
    • You can also receive messages on the bottom right on the faction skills used by the captains of each faction.
* Abusing the rights of the War Correspondent will result in the removal of the title and rights.



Guild League

The matching system of the Guild League has been improved.

We first changed the score range of groups used for matching, which will allow a more fine-tuned matching between guilds of the same skill levels. We've also addressed an issue where high-scoring guilds often found no matches due to the score range.

With the above changes, we expect higher scoring guilds to have better matching and lower scoring guilds to find guilds that are at similar skill levels to allow them to earn more points as they improve.

There are also changes to basic and adjusted points, and inactivity penalty ranges. After these changes go live, there won't be any score resets during the trial period until further notice.

Lastly, we're continuously checking feedback on Guild League battlefields. Please note that battlefields for Guild League are subject to change during the trial period.

Improved Guild League Matching
  • Improved the matching system of Guild League.
    • When an even number of guilds apply for matchmaking, all will be matched regardless of their Guild League score range.
    • If an odd number of guilds apply, all except the one with the lowest score will be matched.
Guild League Score Group Changes
  • Adjusted the score groups to be divided by 200-point intervals instead of 400, creating a total of 10 groups.
Before After
1601~ 1801~
1201~1600 1401~1600
801~1200 1001~1200
401~800 601~800
0~400 201~400
Guild League Matching System Changes
  • Changed the Guild League matching system by group as below.
Before After
1. Matching priority goes to lower score group guilds
2. Random matching between guilds of the same group
3. If there are no guilds in the same group, match with a guild in a group above/below
4. No matching between guilds that are more than 2 groups apart
1. Matching priority goes to higher score group guilds
2. Random matching between guilds of the same group
3. If there are no guilds in the same group, match with a guild in a different group (prioritize guilds in closer groups)
※ The examples of the revised matching system are as follows.

1. Assume that the following 11 guilds have applied for matching.

- Guild A (1,850 points), Guild B (1,750 points), Guild C (1,745 points), Guild D (1,700 points), Guild E (1,680 points), Guild F (1,620 points), Guild G (1,420 points), Guild H (1,190 points), Guild I (860 points), Guild J (595 points), Guild K (100 points)
Each guild is divided into score ranges as follows and applies for matching.
Score Range (Group) Guild Requesting Matching
1801~ Guild A (1,850 points)
1601~1800 Guild B (1,750 points), Guild C (1,745 points), Guild D (1,700 points), Guild E (1,680 points), Guild F (1,620 points)
1401~1600 Guild G (1,420 points)
1001~1200 Guild H (1,190 points)
801~1000 Guild I (860 points)
401~600 Guild J (595 points)
0~200 Guild K (100 points)
[3. Matches are made every hour or half-hour during the league's running time.]
3-1. Guilds in the higher score range (group) are matched first.
>3-1-1. Guild A, which has no guild in the same score range, is randomly matched with Guild D, which is in the next closest score range group.
3-2. Guilds within the same score range are randomly matched.
>3-2-1. e.g., B with E and C with F.
3-3. Guild G, which has no guild in the same score range, is matched with Guild H, which is in the next closest score range group.
3-4. Guild I, which has no guild in the same score range, is matched with Guild J, which is in the next closest score range group.
3-5. With an odd number of guilds, the lowest-scoring guild, in this case, Guild K, will not be matched.
Score Range (Group) Guild Requesting Matching
1801~ Guild A (1,850 points)
1601~1800 Guild B (1,750 points), Guild C (1,745 points), Guild D (1,700 points), Guild E (1,680 points), Guild F (1,620 points)
1401~1600 Guild G (1,420 points)
1001~1200 Guild H (1,190 points)
801~1000 Guild I (860 points)
401~600  Guild J (595 points)
0~200 Guild K (100 points)

Guild League Battlefields
  • The following battlefields were removed.
    • Elder's Bridge
    • Capotia
  • Added a battlefield to Guild League.
Battlefield of Honor
Battlefield of Honor is where adventrurers test their prowess against each other.
Combat is limited to the ground and you cannot climb up the gate and wall.
Score Increase/Decrease Based on Victory/Defeat and Inactivity Penalty
  • Changed the basic point increase/decrease for victory/defeat in the Guild League as follows:
Before After
+30 points upon victory
-10 points upon defeat
+30 points upon victory
-15 points upon defeat
  • Changed the score ranges for inactivity penalty in the Guild League as follows:
Before After
[1601 points or more]
When no matches are played for 5 days, 50 points are deducted every 2 days
[1,201-1,600 points]
When no matches are played for 5 days, 40 points are deducted every 2 days
[801-1,200 points]
When no matches are played for 5 days, 30 points are deducted every 2 days
[1801 points or more]
When no matches are played for 5 days, 50 points are deducted every 2 days
[1,601-1,800 points]
When no matches are played for 5 days, 40 points are deducted every 2 days
[1,401-1,600 points]
When no matches are played for 5 days, 30 points are deducted every 2 days
  • Changed the score ranges for adjusted points application based on the Guild League's results as follows:
Before After
401-800 points: +3 points for victory, -3 points for defeat
0-400 points: +5 points for victory, -5 points for defeat
201-400 points: +3 points for victory, -3 points for defeat
0-200 points: +5 points for victory, -5 points for defeat
  • Improved display to prevent non Guild League related notifications from showing during the Guild League.
※ On Feb 28 (Wed), scores and records excluding "Past Match Results" during the Guild League trial period were reset.
With the improvement of matchmaking, scores and records will not be reset during the trial period after the reset on Feb 28 (Wed) until further notice.



  • Added color highlights to descriptions in Game Tips section of the Progression Pass.
  • Changed content regarding Monster Zone Info in Game Tips section of the Progression Pass.

  • Changed so that Team Battle is no longer available.
    • Removed the Team Battle button from Menu (ESC) - War (F7)


Guaranteed PEN (V) Boss Gear Reform - Simplification of Boss Material Items

  • Simplified the Latent Aura items that were exclusive to each boss to Latent Boss Aura.
Before After
Latent Aura of each boss
Latent Boss Aura
  • Simplified the Concentrated Crystal items that were exclusive to each boss to Concentrated Boss Crystal.
Before After
Concentrated Crystal of each boss.
Concentrated Boss Crystal
  • Simplified the Concentrated Aura items that were exclusive to each boss into Contained Boss Aura.
Before After
Concentrated Aura of each boss.
Contained Boss Aura

Guaranteed PEN (V) Boss Gear Reform - Simplification of Reform Stones

  • Simplified all weapon reform stones to Resplendent Boss Weapon Reform Stone I-V.
Before After
Resplendent Kzarka Main Weapon Reform Stone I-V
Resplendent Offin Tett's Radiant Main Weapon Reform Stone I-V
Resplendent Nouver Sub-weapon Reform Stone I-V
Resplendent Kutum Sub-weapon Reform Stone I-V
Resplendent Dandelion Awakening Weapon Reform Stone I-V
Resplendent Boss Weapon Reform Stone I-V
  • Simplified all armor reform stones to Resplendent Boss Armor Reform Stone I-V.
Before After
Resplendent Giath's Helmet Reform Stone I-V
Resplendent Griffon's Helmet Reform Stone I-V
Resplendent Dim Tree Spirit's Armor Reform Stone I-V
Resplendent Red Nose's Armor Reform Stone I-V
Resplendent Bheg's Gloves Reform Stone I-V
Resplendent Leebur's Gloves Reform Stone I-V
Resplendent Muskan's Shoes Reform Stone I-V
Resplendent Urugon's Shoes Reform Stone I-V
Resplendent Boss Armor Reform Stone I-V
The following changes have been applied after the update.
[Simplified the items required to craft Resplendent Boss Weapon/Armor Reform Stone I-V.]
- Concentrated Crystal of a boss matching the equipment → Concentrated Boss Crystal.
- Concentrated Aura of a boss matching the equipment → Contained Boss Aura.
※ Changed the formula for upgrading Boss gear through reform stones.
[Simplified the items required to craft Capotia Accessories.]
- Latent Aura of Karanda/Nouver/Kzarka/Kutum based on accessory parts → Latent Boss Aura regardless of parts.
[Simplified the items required to craft Essence of Tunta.]
- Craft with Latent Aura of Kzarka, Nouver, Karanda, Kutum → Craft with Latent Boss Aura.
[Simplified the items required to craft Krogdalo's Horse Gear - Earth/Wind.]
- Craft with Offin Tett's Light Fragment or Latent Aura of Karanda for some parts → Craft with Latent Boss Aura.
※ If you were crafting this equipment during maintenance, it has been completed and sent to your Heidel Storage.

[Simplified the components of the following items.]
- [Event] Latent Aura Bundle, Krogdalo Horse Gear Crafting Box.
- [Event] Choose Your Concentrated Boss Crystal Box (Weapon/Armor), [Event] Choose Your Concentrated Boss's Aura Box (Weapon/Armor).
[Changed the names of the following items in line with the simplification.]
- [Event] Choose Your Concentrated Boss Crystal Box (Weapons/Armor) → [Event] Choose Your Concentrated Boss Crystal Box
- [Event] Choose Your Concentrated Boss's Aura Box (Weapons/Armor) → [Event] Choose Your Contained Boss Aura Box

[Simplified the loot obtainable from defeating World/Field Bosses.]
- Latent Aura exclusive to each boss → Latent Boss Aura.
- Concentrated Crystal exclusive to each boss → Concentrated Boss Crystal.

Exchange Formulas
[Simplified the exchange formula of the following items.]
- Dark Spirit's Greed x2: Latent Aura exclusive to each boss → Latent Boss Aura x1.
- Resplendent/Shining Medal of Honor x4: Latent Aura exclusive to each boss → Latent Boss Aura x1.
[Simplified items below can still be exchanged with the original exchange formula.]
- Latent Boss Aura x1 → Memory Fragment x1.
- Latent Boss Aura x100 → Boss gear x1

Processing Formulas
[Contained Boss Aura is now obtained when Simple Alchemy (L) is performed on Boss gear.]
[Simplified the items required to craft Unstable Nouver's Source.]
- Nouver's Latent Aura x10 → Latent Boss Aura x10.

Dialogue and Quest Objective/Conditions
[Changed the objectives, targets, and dialogue of some quests.]



  • You can now obtain Blush Leaf x1-2 when Killing Pests or Pruning in the garden.
  • You can no longer obtain Female Kermes when Killing Pests in the garden.
    • Increased the Farming EXP obtained when gathering Caterpillars via Killing Pests by 1.5 times.


  • Changed the description of [Guild] Drill Assembly Set to include the phrase, "[Guild] Drill Fuel is required for activation".
  • Improved the descriptions for the following items.
    • Part for Explorer's Compass
    • Fragment of the Deep Sea
    • Ancient Creature's Scale

  • Changed the design of the [Event] 3333-Day Earring.


  • [Black Shrine] Changed the system to display the HP bar of the "Sun Aura" that appears in certain patterns during combat with the Calamity 6 & 7 Golden Pig King.
  • Fixed an issue where you could sometimes climb on the body of Seculion in the Yzrahid Highlands.
  • Fixed an issue where the character was occasionally moved to an abnormal terrain when hit by a monster in a specific area in the Aakman Temple.



  • Changed the appearance time of some world bosses due to the War of the Roses.
    • Vell: 18:00 → 17:00
    • Nouver/Kutum: 20:00 → 20:15


Imperial Steed Breeding Chance

  • Increased the chance of an Imperial Steed being born via breeding in the stable.
    • Doubled the likelihood of birthing an Imperial Steed via breeding for Level 30 Tier 8 horses.
      • For other conditions, breeding success rates for an Imperial Steed have increased by 1.6 times.
※ The chance for an Imperial Steed birth is not affected by the Training level or mastery. Higher tier and level horses increase breeding success
- However, the effect of level on the chance is capped at Lv. 30.
It is a special horse that is born at a set probability from breeding in the stable.
Imperial Steeds can be trained up to Lv. 15, but cannot learn any skills except for Imperial Stature.
You can get 120 million Silver and the following rewards by delivering this horse at Lv. 15.
In particular, Mythical Feather, Flower of Oblivion, and Royal Fern Root are key materials used for Mythical awakening.
Item Qty Usage
Mythical Feather
10 Mythical Awakening
Flower of Oblivion
Royal Fern Root
Stonetail Fodder
20 Dream Horse attempt
(Courser training)
Spirit Pouch of Ferocious Beast
Pure Forest Breath
Rainbow Gem Fruit
Breezy Conch Seaweed
Deep Blue Hoof Root
Golden Seal - [Imperial Training]
8 Main item for exchange
Wind Spirit Stone Fragment
50 Crafting horse gear and others
Earth Spirit Stone Fragment
Water Spirit Stone Fragment

※ The Imperial Steed can only be obtained via breeding and cannot be obtained via exchange.
※ The following items cannot be used on the Imperial Steed:
- Mount Brand Spell Stone, Mount Skill Change/Selection Coupon, (All) Mount Skill Training Coupon, (Premium) Horse Appearance Change Coupon, Reset Mount Growth, Mount Name Change Coupon

※ Raise the Imperial Steed to Lv. 15 and deliver it to the Imperial Delivery to obtain the Noble Stature Chest.



  • Fixed an issue where Auto-navigation (T) from Serca Island to Duch Island was obstructed by terrain while on a ship.


  • Improved the effects while on idle when equipped with Frost Knight Horse Gear (Mythical Arduanatt: Pure White).


Auto-move to All Storages
  • Improved the "Auto-move to Storage" feature.
    • Added the "Auto-move to All" feature in addition to "Auto-move to Current".
      • Using this feature, you can move all items from your inventory to all storages, including the currently open storage, at once.
        • If the same item is stored in multiple town storages, the storage with the most quantity is designated as the move location.
      • Using the Auto-move feature with the Pearl Inventory open will automatically move items to storage.


※ The "Auto-move" can be set to not be stored automatically through the Auto-move Exclusions () button.

- Up to 10 items can be selected, including cooking items, potions/elixirs, worker stamina recovery items, and pet feed items.

※ The "Auto-move to All" can be used for storages that have been made available via the "[Abyss One] The Magnus" quest.



View Storage History

  • Added the "View Storage History" feature, which allows you to check the records of items deposited or withdrawn from the storages.
    • Added a "View Storage History" button to the bottom of storage UI.
      • Through this history, you can check the item deposit and withdrawal records, including the auto-move to storage feature, up to 500.
※ The records in this list are only stored on the PC you are playing on.



  • Changed the design of the Guild Rankings UI to match the current game UI design.
    • Improved the Guild Search to work with the Enter key.


  • Added the "#Fixed Dehkia's Lantern Spot" tag to the information of the following monster zones in the Monster Zone Info UI.
    • Hystria Ruins [Dehkia's Lantern]
    • Aakman Temple [Dehkia's Lantern]


  • Fixed so that Find My Item (CTRL + F) window is not closed when right-clicking on an item in the following inventories:
    • My Inventory, Pearl Inventory, Current Silver in My Inventory, Newbie Inventory, Family Inventory, My Equipped Gear


  • Added a feature that guides you to locations for obtaining and purchasing gear when selecting an unequipped slot on a land or water mount.
  • Changed to display the Black Spirit animation together with speech bubble notifications in the bottom right notification area of the screen.


We've introduced the "Report Chat" function.
In the past, when reporting inappropriate chat, adventurers had to submit a ticket to Support with a captured screenshot. However, with the recent update, you can conveniently and accurately report incidents directly within the game through the "Report Chat".
The submitted reports will automatically include a portion of the chat history, including your conversation for a more precise review. This enhancement allows us to promptly review and address the reports submitted by adventurers.
  • Added "Report Chat" function.
    • Press the adventurer's name in the chat and then "Report Chat" button to use this function.

    • In the Report Chat window, select the conversation to report and detail the reason in the provided input box.
※ After the function is stabilized, it will be changed so that reports can be received through the in-game function, not through Support.

  • Improved the loading speed via optimization except for the following:
    • Server changes in the game
    • Entering from the character selection
    • Returning to the character selection
    • Character Tagging

  • Added O'dyllita-1 server with the War of the Roses update.


  • Corrected the mass production quantity descriptions in the knowledge entries for:
  • [Guild] Ink, [Guild] Parchment, [Guild] Wax, [Guild] Seal
  • Fixed a discrepancy between the navigation guide and actual quest target location for "Black Rust Subjugation."
  • Fixed an issue preventing the initiation of "Lady Norma's Letter of Introduction," which grants the "Tasting Wine" social action.
  • Fixed an issue where a level down message displayed incorrectly when the Deep Sunken Darkness in the Darkseekers' Retreat was at its lowest level.
  • Fixed an issue where dye on mount gear for horses attached to wagons sometimes failed to show.
  • Fixed unnatural text display during Mount Transport.
  • Fixed a malfunction in skill demo when activated via the Skill (K) window while auto-running on a mount.
  • Fixed an issue where certain objects and characters were not visible when boarding a large ship at the wharf in Velia.
  • Fixed unnatural movements of Abelin in Velia during conversations.
  • Fixed an issue where the color of the upstream and downstream water flowing from the Mountain of Sanctity to Northwestern Calpheon was displayed differently.
  • Fixed unnatural display of the Abyssal Well's effect in certain situations.
  • Fixed unnatural display of some gatherables in the Ulukita region.
  • Fixed unnatural character appearances when walking on certain terrains of Heidel Castle.
  • Fixed temporary invisibility of some NPCs' appearances when interacting with specific NPCs in Calpheon.
  • Fixed overlapping sounds from the Dokkebi Princess's flute when moving to the Boss Blitz location of the Black Shrine.
  • Fixed the Screenshot Mode UI remaining active when using the Abyssal Well in Screenshot Mode.
  • Fixed so that the Pearl Shop (F3), Knowledge (H), and World Map (M) cannot be opened during the tutorial.
  • Fixed an issue where some quests at the Bree Tree Ruins were unavailable.
  • Fixed an issue where some quests at the Bree Tree Ruins were unavailable.
  • Fixed an issue where the tier icon and text would overlap in the mount list at stables.
  • Fixed an issue where some settings would not reset correctly when choosing to reset all game settings or only specific ones.
  • [Dark Knight] Fixed the unnatural appearance when the Eclipse Armor and certain underwear were worn together.
  • Fixed an issue where an item would be equipped instead of being registered when attempting to register a material item in the Old Moon Guild's Support UI while the "Better Equipment" notification was displayed.
  • Added a separate indicator next to the horse's stats in the mount info window when Krogdalo's Feather is used.
  • Fixed an issue where accessory selection for the first time in the Old Moon Guild's Support UI was unavailable depending on the UI area.
  • Fixed an issue where the skirts of Red Moon, Kibelius, and Charles Rene outfits were unnatural in certain situations.