Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


GM Notes Apr 5, 2024, 16:15 (UTC+3) Black Desert Ambassador Interview


Helping the community is our duty!

Black Desert Ambassador Interview!


Greetings, Adventurers!


Today we would like to interview an Ambassador who has been part of the Ambassador Program for the last 3 years.
He has proven his commitment to guiding and helping our community!  


What is a Black Desert Ambassador?
An Adventurer who shares their Black Desert knowledge with in-game chat groups or Discord, and creates guides for other Adventurers. They also guide new Adventurers and returnees. 

First, we introduce Ally from the TR & Mena server, who has been an Ambassador since 2021. That is a long time being part of the Ambassador program, so we have lots of questions about his journey and why he loves the Black Desert community so much.


CM Kzarka

Hello Ally! Thank you for sparing some of your time for this interview. Would you please introduce yourself to our readers?  


Hi there, my name is Ally, and occasionally I get asked, "Are you the guy who shares the recent codes?" My friends got me started in the game on July 14, 2020. I'm actually very lucky in the game, I get everything easily and my friends don't seem to like that. I have been playing the Witch since the first day. When I first started the game, my goal was to get Arduanatt, the dream horse, and I was completely ignoring my progressions and doing horse training. I was very excited during my first attempts to obtain a Dream Horse, andI think that was the first day I got lucky, I managed to get my first Arduanatt with a +2 enhancement rate.  After the Mythical Horse update, I was able to obtain the Mythical Arduanatt in just 9 attempts. I wasn't even at the full season gear yet, but my in-game goal was achieved, and I could now focus on progression. 

CM Kzarka

Why did you initially decide to apply to the Ambassador program?


I was playing the game as usual, actively chatting in the Lunar Halo chat group for about 2-3 months, trying to answer any questions I came across. One day, a friend of mine mentioned that there was a role called "Supporter" and suggested that I apply for it. Thanks to my friend, I learned about this role and decided to apply. The applications were announced with the first update of the month, and I eagerly awaited that update. When the update day arrived, I checked the announced Supporters and realized that I had been selected. Later on, when the Ambassador system was introduced, I applied and was chosen as one of the first batch of Ambassadors. I can confidently say that I have now built a reputation for myself as an Ambassador.

CM Kzarka

You have been part of the Ambassador program for a long time: 3 years in total. What made you stick to the Ambassador program for so long?


The reason I've been an Ambassador for so long is because I genuinely love playing the game, I have been playing nonstop since November 2021 and I want to keep doing so.  I understand that new players go through the same paths we've traveled and face similar challenges in the game and I want to help reduce their stress as well. 

CM Kzarka

As you already know, we check the activity of our Ambassadors every month, and you are one of the Ambassadors with the highest activity on Discord with around 4K messages. That is a huge amount of messages! What makes you choose Discord over other platforms when offering your help?


Like every Black Desert Online player, Discord is one of the apps I use the most. I have previously managed various servers, so I can confidently say that I know a thing or two about using Discord. The forum feature that was introduced to Discord is particularly impressive. It was a great idea to convert it into a question and answer channel. This setup makes it incredibly easy to receive prompt feedback from the channel, and the questions asked aren't lost in the conversation. This means that people facing similar questions or problems can refer to the forum and find answers to their questions easily.

CM Kzarka

Do you have any anecdotes about the Ambassador program that you would like to share with our readers?


One of my best memories about the Ambassador program is that one day the GMs invited us to their manor and we had a good time with all our Ambassador and GM friends. We hope we will continue to encounter more events like this where we can interact more.

CM Kzarka

Could you share with us a case where you helped another Adventurer, and you were really proud?


Every week, usually on Fridays, I translate the Global Lab update notes into Turkish and share them in the Tips & Guides. One day, while I was tidying up my farm, I received a whisper, the message content was as follows: I am a ship's captain, and I read your Global Lab translations from the other side of the world, I enjoy playing the game, but I don't have much time due to my work. When I can't play the game, I keep my knowledge up to date thanks to you. I wanted to tell you that, thanks for everything. I hope you will continue to share.

CM Kzarka

Our last question. What would you say to people that do not know about the Ambassador program and to those who are thinking about joining?


Ambassador does not mean knowing everything in the game. Since I joined this program, I have learned a ton of things I didn't know before, and I'm sure I will continue to learn in the future. If there are people who hesitate to apply for Ambassadorship because they think they don't have enough knowledge, I recommend them to apply. The more Ambassadors there are, the more guides and accurate information there will be. There is already enough misinformation circulating in the game. I invite you to help prevent this.

CM Kzarka

Thank you for your time, Ally. Keep up the amazing work you are doing for our community!