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Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.

Adventurer's Guide

Character Introduction

Last Edited on : Nov 14, 2017, 11:43 (UTC+3)


Warriors are skilled fighters with balanced abilities in both attack and defense. Using Sword and Shield as the main weapons, they are the best weapon-wielders among all class. While in battle, Warriors will show off their intrepidity with a storm-like barrage of melee combat actions.


Warriors are the male counterpart to Valkyries, and while the play style can at times be similar, the skills and overall feel of the class is different. One of the key differences is the retention of a high amount of battlefield agility and general movement, allowing for skilled players to dodge in and out of fights at lightning speed. 


They also belong to the exclusive group of classes that can block all frontal damage (to a point) while holding their block stance. This gives them a decent bit of forgiveness for mistakes but ultimately requires some patience to learn when to drop their defenses and begin their strike. In solo PvP, they handle themselves very well, and while not equipped with many support skills they still prove quite valuable in group PvP thanks to their survivability and zone control capacity.


Players looking for a hardy tank class with high mobility and damage (when played well) are advised to go the path of the warrior. While challenging to perfect the class, it's fairly welcoming to new players.




Rangers are the specialists of ranged archery attacks. Under the grace of the Sylphs, Rangers present swift movement in any situation of battle. Most of their skills are based on preventing enemy's attempt of melee approach. The Sylph's mystic power is the source of their ability. 


Rangers in Black Desert is one of the few truly ranged only oriented classes, with the singular mindset of always keeping distance. While they certainly have skills in the event opponents do make it close, their most damaging abilities are best suited for mid range combat.


Solo PvP is certainly possible, and even quite good in the hands of a skilled kiter, but the class truly shines when involved in group based combat. The raw damage output on any opponent not paying attention is no joke, and they can unleash a good amount of AoE damage for any foolish enough to group up.


This makes them equally good in PvE, and reasonably forgiving as long as you play to its strengths. Not everyone will find Archers to fit their style of play due to the nature of kiting, but those who stick with it will find there is decent growth for expert level play.





Sorceresses can effectively control the battlefield with their melee and ranged dark magic. They lure enemies with ranged magic, then lead the drawn victims into chaos and painful demise. Other class refer and fear these Sorcerers as "The Witches on the Battlefield".


An interesting hybrid class designed to weave in and out of mid range to close range combat, and relies heavily on skill rotations to unleash large amounts of damage in a decent sized AoE. Sorcerers are also one of the strongest solo PvP classes in the game currently due to their good blend of control skills with high damage output, with the main risk being a distinct lack of armor like their other magic counterparts (Wizard/Witch). This makes them fairly high-value targets in group play as well due to their ability to put any one not paying serious attention into the ground in a matter of seconds.


They are however extremely unforgiving if you make a mistake in either PvP or PvE, and thus require a fair bit of skill and understanding of other classes to play well. One of the bigger issues they often run into is a lack of ability to regain mana as easily as more forgiving classes, but if you're patient and willing to take the time to learn the payoff is large.


Expert level Sorcerers are some of the most illusive and dangerous players to encounter in Black Desert.


Berserkers wield monstrous double-axes as huge as the owners' bodies. Berserkers overwhelm enemies with their size and outrageous strength, and can annihilate the mere weaklings at once. Although their physique is seemed to moving slow but, improved skills will make such problem as a small thing.


Pure chaotic fun is the very definition of the Berserker. You have one purpose, and that is to wildly spin, grab, and stomp anything you don't like into the ground. Their robust size and strength allow them to be a little more on the tanky side, while not being a "tank", which opens the door to front line engagements in group fights and sieges, where they are a welcome addition due to their ability to decently lock down groups.


Although they can struggle with mobility issues for solo PvP, and a lack of any real ability to disengage from fights. Leaving players only one real option, beat the living daylights out of anything in front of them, and if it hits back, hit it back harder!


The class allows for new players to easily pick up and play them, and while not offering the highest level of growth for expert play, it certainly will provide a lot of fun for those interested in a high octane chaotic brawling play style.


Wizards specialize in extreme offensive AoE spells, ranging from slows, knock downs, short duration stuns, and of course just raw damage. The downside of all that AoE power is them being relatively frail in 1 vs 1 pvp. Fighting in groups is a whole different matter, due to their extremely useful (and often overlooked) support skills that provide excellent heals and shields to their group. In essence they are a fantastic group play class, and only the expert level play allows for solo fighting.


New players will find Wizards very forgiving and easy to pick up and play, while also leaving plenty of room for individual player skill growth into expert level play.




Witches are known for their prudence in battle. In return of casting time lag, they perform large-scaled magic attacks. Their thorough move will burn, freeze and shatter their enemies with the power of natural elements such as fire, water, and the wind, and finally drive foes into checkmate.

Witches specialize in extreme offensive AoE spells, ranging from slows, knock downs, short duration stuns, and of course just raw damage. The downside of all that AoE carnage is them being relatively frail in 1 vs 1 pvp. Fighting in groups is a whole different matter, due to their extremely useful (and often overlooked) support skills that provide excellent heals and shields to their group. In essence they are a fantastic group play class, and only the expert level play allows for solo fighting.


New players will find Witches very forgiving and easy to pick up and play, while also leaving plenty of room for individual player skill growth into expert level play.




Tamers can confront enemies at any ranges. With the support of Healing, the divine beast, Tamers can perform ruthless combination attack, or take the enemy down by herself borrowing divine force of the beast. The innocence of their heart will turn into the fearsome force that sweeps any obstacles.

Tamers are by nature aligned towards ambush attacks in Black Desert, due to their ability to overwhelm opponents by utilizing their pets mimic attack to turn fights into two versus one. However the risk being the time limitation on the pet, prolonged fights or mishandling your pet can result in a winnable fight being lost very quickly.

Perhaps one of the best at solo PvP in the game, makes them quite enjoyable for an assassin type of play style, and certainly welcome within group play although large scale PvP can severely limit utility due to a lacking in toughness.

New players will find the class fairly forgiving and easy to play in PvE, and ample room to grow for expert level play. There is a bit of a learning curve involving the management of your pet, with a little patience it can be easily mastered.





Ninja which utilize martial arts, ninjutsu, and aerial attacks to quickly kill opponents. Using a variety of skills that include smoke screens, sneaking, crowd control and confusion to take down foes the ninja is a high attack character which is balanced out by his lack of defense relying on quick evasions. Not having “Block” makes our users to control harder than Kunoichi. Instead, he is specialized in better mobility, evasion and etc.





The Kunoichi is the female equivalent to the ninja, both Assassin characters which utilize martial arts, ninjutsu, and aerial attacks to quickly kill opponents. Using a variety of skills that include smoke screens, sneaking, crowd control and confusion to take down foes the kunoichi is a high attack character which is balanced out by her lack of defense relying on quick evasions. This class relies on quick successive combos and dodging skills and is classified with a high difficultly learning curve. Despite this, the level progression creates an easy learning curve with PvE. The most notable moves of the Assassin class is the use of aerial attacks to jump foes from behind or to acrobatically get out of the way.




Valkyries are a line of rugged female warriors, who specialize in heavy armored, close quarter sword and shield combat. Some would liken them to shield maidens from the mythology of the past, due to their intense training in defense and combat survival. Valkyrie is the female counterpart to the Warrior. The Tanky character, Valkyrie is one of the best in the trade. Make no mistake though they can certainly put out damage if played well, the primary focus is damage mitigation. In solo PVP, they are quite adept at holding their own when in skilled hands and capable of taking down most other classes. One drawback, however, is they lack some of the maneuverability and speed of their Warrior counterpart. Where they shine is providing a few decent support buffs, excellent group fight survivability, and most importantly a huge amount of knock downs.

They belong to a very exclusive list of classes with the ability to block all incoming frontal damage (to a point), which makes them fairly forgiving in regards to getting into situations where incoming damage is plentiful, plus its forgiving with new player combat mistakes. The class also allows room for growth into expert level play, making Valkyries a solid choice for players looking for a fun & rugged close quarters class.



The Musa (Korean Swordfighter) is one of the classes in the game available to players. These fierce warriors hone their skills towards a broad destructive force intent on creating maximum havoc on the battlefield while maintaining the nimble and illusive style required of those who shed armor in favor of speed. Musa is the male counterpart to Maehwa.


While nearly identical to the Maehwa, Musa has a few differences in their skill set and general combat mindset. They are very adept at being able to weave in and out of close range and mid range combat to utilize their hybrid mechanics. The key difference between the two involves Bladers being more AoE centric in their play style, as a few of their skills allow for a broader scope of damage.

This gives them a little more utility in group fights in regards to PvP and makes their life a bit easier in PvE grinding. They still run very light armor and rely heavily on mobility to sustain them in fights, making sieges and larger fights tricky for novice players.

New players are advised to keep in mind there is a bit of a learning curve involved with any low armor class in Black Desert, as they are less forgiving of mistakes. Ultimately Bladers are a very dynamic and fun class to play, that allows for plenty of growth into Expert play, while still accessible to newer players.




While the Maehwa (Korean Swordfighter) may have a subtle name, their dashing and agile style of combat is anything but subtle. These female fighters specialize in their own symbiotic style of combat weaving in and out of fights to unleash their fury from up close with their sword, only to dash away a second later and strike at vulnerabilities with a short bow. The Maehwa is the female counterpart to the Musa.

Maehwa employs a very interesting style of combat within Black Desert, being deadly from close quarter fighting, yet still being able to unleash pain from a distance in a beautiful hybrid blend of melee and range. While not exactly built for taking hits, their mobility more than makes up for it by allowing them to dash around the battlefield.

One of the benefits available to the class comes in the form of being able to lock down single opponents long enough to usually kill them, making them excellent for solo PvP and PvE. They're certainly welcome into group combat, but their roles will be fairly limited as they lack the survivability to engage in the front line, and sieges can be fairly tricky to find a window to attack and not wind up dead.

Overall the class is fairly quick to pick up and play and leaves plenty of room for growth into expert level play. Making this a good choice for seasoned players, and still viable for newer players after a learning curve.


Dark Knight




Main Attack Type



Kriegsmesser/Ornamental Knot

Awakening Weapon


Attack or Casting Speed

Attack Speed

Skill Resource


Dark Knight wields the massive Kriegsmesser and gains strength by burning the energy or spirits.


She isn’t only capable of heavy melee attacks with her Kriegsmesser.

She also uses a variety of magical attacks to defeat enemies from afar.


It’s easy to mistake her as a slow class since she uses such a large weapon.

However, she has numerous skills that allow her to move swiftly across short distances.

She uses these skills to confuse enemies and hits them unpredictably with powerful attacks.


Here are some of her signature skills.

Air Strike is a skill used to charge forward and incapacitate enemies.

Imperious Command leaves marks on enemies that detonates to inflict damage.

Lunacy of Vedir deals damage in a wide area.


After reaching level 56, she is able to draw even more power out of the energy of spirits.

Vediant is her glove-shaped Awakening Weapon. She equips it on her right hand and it enables her to summon Phantom Blades.

The awakened Dark Knight has an even greater variety of attacks to choose from.

She can either cut enemies down with a Phantom Blade in hand or rain down multiple Phantom Blades at a distance.






Main Attack Type




Awakening Weapon


Attack or Casting Speed

Attack Speed

Skill Resource


Striker uses a mix of eastern martial arts and street brawler style of fighting that makes use of his tough body. He chains together non-stop combos of fierce attacks.


He reacts flexibly to different situations at close range.

He can step behind his enemy to target their back,

knock them up and hit them while they’re airborne,

or grab them and render them helpless.


Crimson Fang and Knee Hammer are the basic skills used in Striker’s combos.

His multiple skill combo connects so naturally that it looks like a single skill.


He can start the combo with Twisted Collision then followed it up with Flow: Fatal Smash or Flow: Landslide to hit them while they are airborne.


After reaching level 56, he is able to draw out even more power from his energy.

His Awakening Weapon ‘Gardbrace’ makes his bare-hands powerful.

It enables him to use skills that are even more impressive than the ones he used before.

He can physically shape his energy to make Echo Spirits that fights alongside him.





Main Attack Type




Awakening Weapon


Attack or Casting Speed

Attack Speed

Skill Resource


Mystic was found in a village that was ruined by war.

She was trained by Striker’s teacher and became a martial artist.

She uses eastern martial arts and combat experience as the basis of her skills.

She is similar to Striker in that they have a similar fighting style and energy techniques.

However, she also can use her skills to combo them together, quickly dive into fights, and evade.




Archer is from 'Adùir', the fortress for the roots of Kamasylve. He is an agile ranged class that shoots enemies and dodges their attacks. \He has the unique ability to use both his weapons from the start, Crossbow and Greatbow. This allows him to be flexible in dealing with situations on the battlefield.





Main Attack Type




Crescent Pendulum/

Noble Sword

Awakening Weapon

Crimson Glaives

Enhancement Effect

Attack Speed

Skill Consumable(MP)


Lahn wields the Crescent Pendulum, an exotic weapon connected to a sword by cloth and chain, to skillfully unleash attacks.
Her agile and nimble-bodied movements allows her to deliver a wide-range of attacks and combos. She can hurl the Crescent Pendulum towards her enemies at range or swing her weapon to strike all surrounding enemies.  
​​​​​​​Lahn swiftly covers long distances through the air utilizing the skill, Nimble Stride. However, she has difficulty bridging small distances, so she must rely on her skill combos to quickly crush her enemies once the battle begins.






Main Class Type




Enhancement Effect

Attack Speed

Skill Consumable(MP)


Raised by the Chief of Florin, Shai is a support class with both combat and buff abilities.
She skillfully wields her Florang, which is as large as herself, while protecting her allies using her mysterious sub-weapon. 

Additionally, she is difficult to hit thanks to her small size, and able to quickly navigate the battlefield with her agile skills while avoiding nearby enemies. Shai is a native from Florin and differs from other classes since her collection and alchemy skills begin at the professional level.