Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.

Adventurer's Guide


Last Edited on : Nov 4, 2017, 06:17 (UTC+3)


The 'Black stone' not only takes a big part of Black Desert story, but it also plays an important role in the game.

It is because it serves the role as the ingredient necessary to improve the status of an item.

When you completed the quest, '[Awakening] Traces of Edana ', requested by the Black Spirit, you will be able to use 'enhancement' and 'transfusion'.

Enhancement means to improve the status of an item using Black stone or the same kind of items as ingredients.

Transfusion means to add a special feature to an item by putting a Magical Crystal into its socket.

You can proceed with enhancement right away if you have prepared the required ingredients. Also, if you only take the risk of destroying the weapon you use, you can easily recover the consumed black stone through extraction.

Therefore, every time you obtain a Black stone, it’s a good idea to proceed with enhancement.


Enhancement is an action to improve the AP or DP by synthesizing Black stone or the same kind of item to equipment.

Most items can be safely enhanced up to +7 for weapons, +5 for armor without failure.

It is called the 'safe enhancement' range, and thereafter you will be able to increase the enhancement count by small chances.

If you fail enhancement, the maximum durability of equipment might decrease or enhancement count can be lowered depending on the item.

Especially for the items such as necklace, earrings, and ring, if you fail enhancement, note that both the item you wanted to enhance and the ingredient item used for enhancement can disappear.

※ The higher the level of enhancement you are attempting, the greater the maximum durability decrease will be.

▲ In the Black Spirit’s menu, select 'enhancement' to enhance your equipment.


Above the safe enhancement range(weapon +7, armor +5), 'Force-enhancement' function will be activated to proceed with enhancement by 100% chance.

However, for the force-enhancement, you need more black stones that the amount you need for general enhancement. The higher the level of enhancement, the more Black stones will be required.

Also, the force-enhancement, depending on the level of enhancement, decreases the maximum durability of the item

If the maximum durability count becomes 20 or less due to enhancement failure or the force-enhancement, the corresponding equipment will be no longer available for enhancement.

If the maximum durability becomes 0, you cannot use the corresponding equipment anymore.

In order to use it again for the normal purpose, you need to recover the maximum durability level.

 The recovery of maximum durability can be done through a blacksmith.

▲ It requires a lot of black stones, but success chance is 100% and maximum durability decreases.

The black stones that have been used for enhancement can be recovered in proportion to enhancement level through ‘Black stone extraction’.

However, the equipment from which the black stones are extracted will disappear.

If you have increased the enhancement level through safe enhancement only, you can recover as many as the number of black stones you have used for enhancement.

If you have increased the enhancement level above safe enhancement, the number of black stones you will recover is the level +@.

Increase enhancement chance

If you fail enhancement, the ‘enhancement chance’ increases by 1.

As the count increases, the success chance for next enhancement gets higher.


▲ If you fail enhancement, the ‘enhancement chance’ increases by 1.

If you fail enhancement, the maximum durability of the corresponding item decreases.

So some people enhance items such as Reblath Amor and etc. first since it is easier to recover the maximum durability of these items. Then they increase the possibility of ‘enhancement chance’ by accumulating the number of failures.

After a number of continuous failure, if you have accumulated about 10~15 counts of ‘enhancement chance’, you can enhance the equipment that you want.

Some adventurers call this method ‘fail stacking’.

You can also increase the enhancement chance using 'Valks’s Cry' item.

There is no limit on increasing the enhancement chance from failing, but there is limit on increasing the enhancement chance using 'Valks’s Cry'. It is maximum 10.

You can obtain a certain amount of ‘Valks’s Cry’ when you purchase a pearl box, or when you take a pearl outfit to Blacksmith NPC who would then proceed with extraction.

Choose the enhancement type

For the items of green grade with enhancement count +14 or less, you can choose the enhancement type at the time of enhancement.

Place the equipment of right conditions into the enhancement window, then the buttons for choosing enhancement type appears.

Enhancement types are classified into [Enhance] and [Durable]

If you choose [Enhance], the success chance of enhancement increases.

If you choose [Durable], the success chance of enhancement decreases and the damage value of maximum durability in case of failure decreases.