Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.

Adventurer's Guide

Equipment of Magical Power

Last Edited on : Jan 17, 2018, 05:00 (UTC+3)

Equipment of Magical Power

Equipment of Magical Power is the item that anyone can get through the quest.

A series of Equipment of Magical Power that boasts comparatively excellent status even without enhancement is Ring of Magical Power, Necklace of Magical Power, Earring of Magical Power and Armor of Magical Power. Also, there is a Magical Sub-weapon for each character.

Magical Sub-weapon and armor of magical power cannot be enhanced but it has a status similar to that of a normal equipment beyond a certain level.

As for Ring of Magical Power, Necklace of Magical Power, Earring of Magical Power, they show almost same status as that of the normal items but they are different because they can be enhanced through using another themselves.

Equipment of Magical Armor

When you complete the last main quest '[Boss] Witch-Hunting' in Calphon, you can acquire the quest 'While preparing for Mediah..'.

When you complete this quest, you can get 'Dim Magical Armor'.

A 'Dim Magical Armor' cannot be enhanced but instead has the almost same status like normal, green-grade armor(+13)

It has two slots for magical crystal, and another great advantage is that it can be moved to another character through the warehouse.

Fortunately, 'Dim Magical Armor' can be exchanged for better status through subsequent quests.

After completing the 'Six Steps for Personal Growth III', which the character of Level 52 or higher can proceed to, the Black Spirit requests a ''Magic Armor Exchange' quest. Afterwards, you are able to get "Armor of Concentrated Magical Power" by passing your "Dim Magical Armor" to Mevo Muranan, Altinova Blacksmith.


  • (lv 50) [Boss] Witch-Hunting (Reward: Dim Magical Armor)
  • (lv 52) Six Steps for Personal Growth III
  • (lv 52) Magic Armor Exchange I (Reward: Concentrated Magical Power)
  • (lv 53) Six Steps for Personal Growth IV
  • (lv 53) Magic Armor Exchange II (Reward: Armor of Sealed Magical Power)
  • (lv 54) Six Steps for Personal Growth V
  • (lv 54) Magic Armor Exchange III (Reward: Freed Magical Armor)
  • (lv 55) Six Steps for Personal Growth VI
  • (lv 55) Magic Armor Exchange IV  (Reward: Roaring Magical Armor)




Slot for Magical Crystal

Dim Magical Armor




Concentrated Magical Power


Max HP +30


Armor of Sealed Magical Power


Max HP +30


Freed Magical Armor


Max HP +30, Accuracy+3


Roaring Magical Armor


Max HP +50, Accuracy+5


Even if your dim power armor has discarded it into the trash or lost, It is possible to get dim power armor again by handing Token of Promise *2 over to NPC, Grandus in Calpeon.

You can obtain a token of promise once per an hour through completing the quest of '[Repeat] Investigate Hexe Sanctuary ' or '[Repeat] Shadow Shrine Extermination'

However, in order to regain the dim power armor through the NPC,

'[Boss] Witch-Hunting', 'While preparing for Mediah.' must have been already completed.

▲ Please hand Token of Promise *2 over to NPC, Grandus in Calpeon to get ‘Dim Power Armor’

▲ NPC, Grandus is located in Calpeon Market street.

Magical Sub-weapon

You can also get magical sub-weapons for each character through the main quests.

When you complete the quest of '[Boss] Witch-Hunting', you can acquire a dim magical sub-weapon, which can be exchanged for a more powerful magical sub-weapon as you proceed with the subsequent quests.

After completing Black Spirit's quest, '[Boss] Witch-Hunting' to get dim magical sub-weapon then complete World of Enemies #6: Hexe Sanctuary Skeletons. And now, you are able to exchange your dim magical sub-weapon to concentrated magical sub-weapon by completing the quest of 'Exchange Magical sub-weapon I '.

If the [Co-op] Strongest Enemies #2: Ogres is completed, the Black Spirit will once again request the quest of 'Exchange Magical sub-weapon II', through which it can be exchanged for a sub weapon of sealed magical power.

*Notice: you can take one by one of 'World Full Enemies' quests after completing the quest of [Boss] 'Witch-Hunting' and reaching the level of 50 or above.


  • (lv 50) [Boss] Witch-Hunting (Reward: dim magical sub-weapon)
  • (lv 50) World of Enemies #6: Hexe Sanctuary Skeletons
  • (lv 50) Exchange Magical sub-weapon I (Reward: concentrated magical sub-weapon)
  • (lv 50) [Co-op] Strongest Enemies #2: Ogres
  • (lv 50) Exchange Magical sub-weapon II (reward: sub weapon of sealed magical power)




Slot for Magical Crystal


Dim magical sub-weapon





Concentrated magical sub-weapon




Accuracy Up

sub weapon of sealed magical power




Accuracy Up

Even if your dim magical sub-weapon has discarded it into the trash or lost, It is possible to get dim magical sub-weapon again by handing Token of Promise *2 over to NPC, Grandus or Ronatz in Calpeon. You can obtain a token of promise once per an hour through completing the quest of '[Repeat] Investigate Hexe Sanctuary ' or '[Repeat] Shadow Shrine Extermination'

However, in order to regain the dim magical sub-weapon through the NPC,

'[Boss] Witch-Hunting', 'While preparing for Mediah.' must have been already completed.

▲ Hand two of token of promise over to NPC, Grandus or Ronatz in Calpeon to get dim magical sub-weapon

Accessories of magical power (Earrings, Ring, Necklace)

The accessories of the magical power can be exchanged for a better item if you complete repeated quests to obtain the Seal of Promise and give it to NPC.

The magical accessory can be exchanged in the ascending order of grades: a dim ▶ concentrated ▶ sealed grade, the same as magical sub-weapon. The higher grade, the stronger the status.

The dim, concentrated grade of accessories of the magical power cannot be enhanced, but after upgrading to a "sealed" grade, they can be enhanced like other normal accessories.

If a character of level 50 or higher complete quests from Basquean Ljurik in Calpheon, you can get an earring of dim magical power and seal of promise.

Every time you complete the quest of '[Repeat] Investigate Hexe Sanctuary ' that can be repeated once an hour, you can get a Seal of Promise and collect it to exchange for more powerful earring of magical power from the NPC of Crow Merchants Guild in the Hexe Sanctuary.

If you continue to complete a series of Basquean Ljurik's quests, you can complete the quest of ‘Identifying Shadow Nature' to get a ring of dim magical power.

After that, every time you complete the quest of '[Repeat] Defeat Shadow Shrine', you will be able to get additional Seal of Promise.

If you collect enough 'Seal of Promise' through completing the quest of '[Repeat] Investigate Hexe Sanctuary ' and '[Repeat] Defeat Shadow Shrine', a certain number of 'Seal of Promise' along with the used ring or earring of magical power can be given to the NPC for an item of better stat.


  • (lv 50) Becker's Ominous Information (NPC: Basquean Ljurik)
  • (lv 50) Investigate Hexe Sanctuary (Reward: Earring of dim magical power )
  • (lv 50) [Repeat] Investigate Hexe Sanctuary (Reward: Seal of PromiseX2)
  • (lv 50) Bacho Ladericcio's Rumor
  • (lv 50) Identifying Shadow Nature (Reward: Ring of dim magical power)
  • (lv 50) [Repeat] Defeat Shadow Shrine (Reward: Seal of PromiseX2)
  • (lv 50) [EXC] Earring of Concentrated Magical Power (Reward: Earring of Concentrated Magical Power)
  • (lv 50) [EXC] Ring of Concentrated Magical Power (Reward: Ring of Concentrated Magical Power)
  • (lv 50) [EXC] Earring of Sealed Magical Power Exchange (Reward: Earring of Sealed Magical Power Exchange)
  • (lv 50) [EXC] Ring of Sealed Magical Power Exchange (Reward: Ring of Sealed Magical Power Exchange)




How to obtain

Earring of Dim Magical Power



Quest (Investigate Hexe Sanctuary)

Earring of Concentrated Magical Power



Exchange (Seal of Promise *5+Earring of Dim Magical Power)

Earring of Sealed Magical Power



Exchange (Seal of Promise * 10+ Earring of Concentrated Magical Power)

Ring of dim magical power



Quest (Identifying Shadow Nature)

Ring of concentrated magical power



Exchange (Seal of Promise *5+ Ring of dim magical power)

Ring of sealed magical power



Exchange (Seal of Promise *10+ Ring of concentrated magical power

A Necklace of Magical Power can also be obtained in the similar way the ring of Magical Power and the Earring of Magical Power is obtained. If a character of level 50 or higher is located in the Calpheon, you can receive the quest of 'Necklace of Magical Power' through the Black Spirit, as  you follow this quest, NPC, Bianstimi in Calpheon will give you the repeated quest that you can obtain the 'Necklace of Magical Power'


  • (lv 50) Necklace of Magical Power (NPC: Black Spirit)
  • (lv 50) Necklace of Sealed Magical Power (Reward: Seal of PromiseX5)
  • (lv 50) [Repeat] Necklace of Sealed Magical Power - Defeat the Catfishmen (Reward: Seal of PromiseX5)
  • (lv 50) [Repeat] [Repeat] Necklace of Sealed Magical Power - Defeat the Manshas (Reward: Seal of PromiseX5)
  • (lv 50) [Repeat] Necklace of Sealed Magical Power - Defeat the Rhutums (Reward: Seal of PromiseX5)
  • (lv 50) [Repeat] Necklace of Sealed Magical Power - Defeat the Treants (Reward: Seal of PromiseX5)
  • (lv 50) [Repeat] Necklace of Sealed Magical Power - Defeat the Calpheon Shrine Herd (Reward: Seal of PromiseX5)
  • (lv 50) [EXC] Necklace of Dim Magical Power (Reward: Necklace of Dim Magical Power)
  • (lv 50) [EXC] Necklace of Concentrated Magical Power (Reward: Necklace of Concentrated Magical Power)
  • (lv 50) [Repeat] [EXC] Necklace of Sealed Magical Power (Reward: Necklace of Sealed Magical Power)




How to obtain

Necklace of Dim Magical Power



Quest ([EXC] Necklace of Dim Magical Power)

Necklace of Concentrated Magical Power



Exchange (Seal of Promise * 10+ Necklace of Dim Magical Power)

Necklace of Sealed Magical Power



Exchange (Seal of Promise * 20+ Necklace of Concentrated Magical Power)

What if you want to return Accessories of Magical Power for the Seal of Promise or seal of promise?

Have an Accessory of Magical Power and then talk to the NPC, you hand over the Accessory of Magical Power and take back the token of promise or seal of promise that you have given.

- Necklace of Magical Power: Bianstimi, Jeweler in Calpheon

- Ring of Magical Power: Attendant, Next to Bacho Ladericcio in Abandoned Monastery

- Earring of Magical Power: Crow Merchants Guild NPC, Next to Becker in Hexe Sanctuary

* The content of the game guide may differ from the actual game content, depending on the update and content changes.