Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.

Adventurer's Guide

Death Penalty

Last Edited on : Nov 4, 2017, 06:33 (UTC+3)


If a character dies,

There is penalty depending on what caused the death.


If you die after fighting monsters,

Combat EXP goes down, destruction of crystal and trade item could happen.

Crystal can be easily destroyed so you need to pay close attention.

But if your level goes up, Combat EXP loss can be a burden so you need to be careful.

But no penalty is applied from death from PvP.

▲ When killed by a monster, the combat EXP goes down, and crystal might get destroyed by chance


Resurrection spot

When your character dies, you can select a resurrection location.

If you don’t choose a location within 10 minute, which is the resurrection waiting

time, it resurrects automatically depending on the situation.

If you have revival items such as ‘Elion’s Tear’, and check it for use, the combat EXP gets revived however, or whenever you are resurrected. (Excludes crystal/trade goods)


Instant resurrection

If you have the ‘Elion’s tear’ item, you can resurrect on the exact spot.

 If you are in the arena, you can resurrect without ‘Elion’s tear’.

But if you die in conquest area or underwater, you can’t use the item.


Resurrect at a town


You resurrect from a town that is closest to the node where you died,

If there is no town that has been discovered in the territory, you will be resurrected from the closest town possible.


Resurrect from closets exploration node

You are resurrected from a town that is closest to the exploration node where you died, amd the node has to have been discovered in advance.

A character with chaotic karma can be resurrected in an unexplored exploration nodes,

Or randomly resurrects out of the 3 closest exploration nodes.

If there are no exploration nodes nearby, this menu might not become available.


▲ If there is no nearby town or exploration node, you resurrect from a far area so be careful.


Chaotic karma penalty – normal

The karma goes down if you do an action such as stealing or PK,

And goes up if you kill a monster.


If you are attacked while PVP is activated and attacked them back and killed them, it is considered self-defense so it does not influence your karma. But if not, it’s considered PK, and a penalty of decreased karma happens.


If you attack the someone first, while your PVP is activated the karma will be decreased by 10,000, and if you kill that person 200,000 karma decreases.

So if you kill someone who doesn’t attack back, 210,000 karma decreases, and if you counterattack someone who attacked you, there is no penalty on your karma.


You can’t bring up your karma to above 300,000, so if you kill 2people continuously, your karma goes bellow 0 and you can get big penalties.


If your karma goes down constantly and becomes evil karma (Chaotic karma) where it goes under zero, and many penalties get applied from then on.


Attack in safe zone

An adventurer with chaotic karma can be attacked within the safe zone (town) and gets death penalty upon dying.


Intensified Death penalty

If a character with chaotic karma dies the even more EXP will be decreased.

Or more crystals of equipment get destroyed or enhancement level may –go down. But, like penalty on a normal state, the enhancement level penalty destruction of crystal does not happen at the same time, and the enhancement level decreasing penalty does not happen in Valencia desert.


Resurrection area

When a chaotic karma character resurrects and selects ‘nearest exploration node’, it resurrects randomly from one of the three nearest exploration nodes whether it has been found or not.


Attack from NPC

Guard NPC will attack  a chaotic karma character right away when it comes nearby.

The guards walk around the town border as well as inside, so it will be difficult to use the town normally.

But the guard does not attack in Muiquun.


▲ You get attacked by the guards if you become chaotic state because your karma went down.


Chaotic karma penalty – desert

In desert area, even if you are not minus karma, if you kill another adventurer, you become ‘villain’ for 30 minutes and gets the penalties similar to chaotic karma.

Even if you don’t activate PvP and your karma is above 0, you can be attacked by other adventurers, and you are moved to the camp if you die from another adventurer’s attack.

If you die from a monster/environment, you only get destruction of crystal and combat EXP decrease.


▲ If you kill another adventurer in the desert area, villain status will be displayed.


This status disappears after 30 minutes or if you go to a criminal camp.

But if you die in another area other than the desert, the status does not go away.

If you leave the desert area, the normal penalties are given depending on the karma status.

So it is important to check if your karma is not under 0, and if you are still within the desert area.


* The most typical desert are in Valencia: Red desert, the great Valencian desert, Cantusa Desert, Northern Sand Dune, Southern sand dune, Crescent shrine, Titium valley, Desert naga temple, Aakman temple, Hystria Ruins, Roud Sulfur Mine, and Pila Ku Jail

* Penalties for adventurers with evil karma


All areas other than desert

Desert area


Friendly( Above 0)

Hostile ( Below -1)

Friendly( Above 0)

Hostile ( Below -1)

Broken crystal

Death from monster/environment

Death from monster/environment

Death from monster/environment

Death from monster/environment





Death from character/NPC

Death from character/NPC

Death from character/NPC

Death from character/NPC





EXP down

Death from monster/environment

Death from monster/environment

Death from monster/environment

Death from monster/environment





Death from character/NPC

Death from character/NPC

Death from character/NPC

Death from character/NPC





Decrease of Enhancement level

Death from monster/environment

Death from monster/environment

Death from monster/environment

Death from monster/environment





Death from character/NPC

Death from character/NPC

Death from character/NPC

Death from character/NPC





※ Trade item drops at a set chance and does not depend on karma or area.  

If an adventurer with evil karma dies from another adventurer or another NPC, it is sent to camp and punishment debuff gets applied.

Depending on the leftover karma, it is applied differently from 30, 50, 60 minutes.

If punishment debuff is applied, all the combat actions get limited, movement speed decreases by 50%, can’t call mounts, and cannot escape camp with ESC.



If you die because of an NPC or other character you can only resurrect inside the camp, and there are no penalties.

But you get restriction on the use of contents such as red battlefield, horse race, command to gather guild, creation of guild outpost and horse flute and much more.

Since your actions and movements will get restricted, so it is good to escape from the camp as soon as possible when punishment buff is applied.

There are two methods to escape from criminal camp.

There are NPCs in the entrance and exit, and there is also warder NPC inside, which will keep watch and attack.

You can evade the warder NPC’s watch and run towards the exit and escape.

If the quest provided from the camp is active, you can’t escape even if the punishment buff is lifted,

so you need to try to escape after you finish or give up the quest.


If you complete the quest given by the NPC at the entrance of the camp, or succeed in escaping the camp by avoiding the warder NPC,

You will be moved to Ibellab Oasis if you are an adventurer above 0 karma,

Or to Muiquun, the home of criminals and outlaws if your karma is under -1.


▲ The home of criminals and outlaws Muiquun; where only adventurers with karma of 0 can come.

* The content of the game guide may differ from the actual game content, depending on the update and content changes.